8/12/14 Good Morning! Please be seated where you were yesterday. Sticker person will get your composition books. Once you receive you books please answer the following. Which class do you think will be your most successful, and why? Which class do you think you will need to work a little harder? Why? What are you going to do about that?
8/13 Write a short explanation of what you would hope to study this year in Social Studies, and give a reason as to why you would find that interesting. What activities would you think would help make it interesting to study and learn social studies? Group projects, reader theater….
8/14 Good Morning… :D Write a tweet/hashtag or post about your first days/week of middle school. *How does it compare to what you were expecting. Are your concerns/fears put to rest now? *Do you have new concerns? *What are you excited about most? *What is one KIK, post or comment you have already posted about your first days this week.? (Example; when she got her schedule..my daughter posted on Instagram #whohasmrwalters.
8/18 Good Morning! There are 7 continents. Write down as many as you can.
8/19 Good Morning my darlin’s What does A.D. stand for? What does B.C. stand for? Do you know any other ways to represent these?
8/20 Good Morning beautiful! What IS geography? Can you list 4 geographic landforms and the definitions in your own words? Reminder… write question for F.O.A’s
8/21 What are some jobs that involve Social Studies or History? Reminder! Write the date and Questions!
8/22 Good Morning my bright and shining faces! What do you know about Latitude and Longitude? What tricks do you use to help yourself remember each one? Reminder: write the question
8/25 What is the difference between an anthropologist and archeologist?
8/26 We have talked about Cardinal directions and intermediate directions. What are they?
8/27 Using your textbook, Pg. RA3 what city would you be in if you were 35N and 80W?
8/28 Draw a timeline….. Put these eras in order Prehistory up to 3500 BC Ancient History 3500 BC to AD 500 Middle Ages 500 AD to 1400 Modern History AD 1400 to present #TBT… Me in Washington D.C. Age 7
8/29 Write down 5 Geography terms and either Illustrate them or define them Heads up!!!! F.O.A. quiz on Tuesday
9/3/14 List 3 Characteristics of the Paleolithic Age
9/4/14 Describe how you would be living (what life would be like) in the Paleolithic Age Describe how you would be living in the Neolithic Age (what was your home like? Activities?)
9/8/14 What does Agriculture mean? Why was it important? What does nomad/nomadic mean? Why aren’t we nomadic anymore?
9/9/14 NO F.O.A.
9/15/14 Put these years in order on a timeline B.C. A.D. 500 A.D B.C B.C. What are the years AFTER the birth of Christ referred to? BEFORE the birth of Christ?
9/17/14 Explain the importance of Hammurabi’s Code. Analyze how the Tigris and Euphrates River impacted the growth of Mesopotamia.
9/18/14 Draw a timeline and label the following… Prehistory 1 B.C. A.D. 1 B.C./B.C.E A.D./C.E.
9/23/14 A person that could read and write, held high status was called …. What did the Mesopotamians use for building material, because building resources were scarce?
9/24/14 What was domestication? What is irrigation? What are some major advantages of these two advances? Hey…hey..hey… guess what day it is!
9/29/14 What was Sargon’s major contribution to Mesopotamia? What was Hammurabi’s major contribution to Mesopotamia?
9/30/14 Write these words down, in sentence form… -scribes Polytheism/monotheism City-states Sargon Hammurabi’s Code
10/13/14 Welcome Back! What modern day country was Mesopotamia located in? What is agriculture? What is metallurgy?
10/14/14 How did the Nile River help the Egyptian Civilization? What was the nickname given to Egypt?
10/15/14 How were Egyptians protected by their natural environment? What kind of writing did the Egyptians develop?
10/16/14 What was the land like around the Nile River?
10/17/14 Which group is the largest on the social pyramid in Egypt? Which group is the most respected?