The CrusadesThe Crusades
Pope Urban IIPope Urban II
Rough chronology of Crusades First Crusade (1096 – 1102). Captures Jerusalem Second Crusade (1147 – 9). Led by Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany. Third Crusade (1189 – 92). Response to Saladin’s devastating victory at Hattin (1187). Involves Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, Richard I of England and Philip II of France.
Battle of HattinBattle of Hattin
Fourth Crusade (1202 – 4) takes Constantinople and much of Greece. Fifth Crusade (1239 – 41). Ends with recovery of Jerusalem by Emperor Frederick II. Louis IX’s first crusade (1269 – 72) is a response to the loss of Jerusalem in 1244.
Multiple theatres of conflictMultiple theatres of conflict Crusades in Iberian peninsula preached (1114, 1118 and 1122) to accompany Second Crusade Crusade against Wends authorised by Pope Eugenius III in Crusade against English rebels who’ve forced King John to concede Magna Carta (1216 –7) Crusade against Frederick II in 1239.
Organisational problemsOrganisational problems Who pays for recruitment? Voluntary contributions of participants. Outlay of kings and lords. Taxation of all subjects. Attempts by popes to control military strategy. Innocent III in Fourth Crusade. Problem of non-combatants. Leads to system of commutation.
Difficulties No clear command-structure (at least to begin with) Difficulties in communication and co-ordination.# Suspicious relationship with Byantine rulers Divisions among crusader leaders
Reasons for successesReasons for successes Development of a military caste in Latin Christendom Political instabilities among Muslim rulers. Competition between Seljuk Turks and Fatimid caliphate. Competition between heirs of Saladin (Ayyubid dynasty) Desire to preserve trade.
s. Fulke of Neuilly
Siege of Antioch 1098Siege of Antioch 1098
Popular crusadesPopular crusades Children’s Crusade of 1212 Shepherd’s Crusade of 1251–2.
Military OrdersMilitary Orders Holy Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (Templars) founded in Hugh of Payns. Supported by St Bernard of Clairvaux. Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers). Recognised by papacy in Look after sick and poor in Jerusalem. Later become increasingly military in character.
Latin East (Crusader states)Latin East (Crusader states) Christian groups: Armenian, Jacobite, Orthodox, Copts and Nestorians. Slaughter of Muslims in 1097–8 at Tilbe ş ar, Ravanda and Artah. But there is a mixture of violence and toleration. Muslim dhimmi laws adopted and adapted by Crusaders. Countryside. Headman – ra’is. Tax – kharaj.