Review What type of social scientist studies artifacts? – Archaeologist What type of social scientist studies early people? – Anthropologist What type of social scientist studies the past through writing? – Historian What type of social scientist studies the resources available to people and the problem with lack of resources? – Economist What methods do scientists use to find out about early peoples? – Study artifacts, writing, cultures, scarcity of resources and availability of goods, land
Early Human History – Early People/Paleolithic/Neolithic Revolutions Essential Learning: Prehistory
Where and who discovered the first human bones? – Mary and Louis Leakey in Africa Where was the first complete human skeleton found? – Africa
Hominids Walked upright Had a thumb so they could pick up objects Could think
Paleolithic Age (The Old Stone Age) Nomads – moved from place to place in search of food and shelter (hunters and gatherers) Traveled in small groups...Why? Not enough food to feed large groups
Characteristics of the Paleolithic Age Made fire Nomads Traveled in small groups Made tools and weapons out of bone, wood, or stone Made cave paintings of deer, horses, buffalo, and people Believed in afterlife
Neolithic Age New Stone Age Agricultural Revolution Shift to FARMING People stayed in one place Had animals as pet (domestication) Population increased
Neolithic Village Life Older men of families made important decisions More private property People have jobs, governments are created, religion develops, infrastructure is created... What develops? CIVILIZATIONS
Review Paleolithic Age New Stone Age Old Stone Age Population increased Nomads Farmed Made fire Domestication of animals Traveled in small groups Stayed in one place Neolithic Age
Exit Ticket What advances did people make during the the Old Stone Age? Why was the Agricultural Revolution a turning point in history?
Exit Ticket What advances did people make during the the Old Stone Age? – Fire, nomads, tools and weapons, cave paintings, belief in an afterlife Why was the Agricultural Revolution a turning point in history? – Farming lead to domestication of animals, settled communities, increased population, and rise of civilizations
Homework Packet p. 16b