Part #1 Early Humans
OBJECTIVES: Discuss how family and ethnic relationships influenced Ancient Cultures. Discuss how hunter-gatherers survived during the Paleolithic Age. Evaluate the impact of technology and how it has changed people’s way of life.
We call the early period of human history, the Stone Age. The earliest part of this period was called the PALEOLITHIC Age – The Old Stone Age. This period began about 2.5 million years ago and lasts until 8000 BCE. These people always moved around in search of food. They were NOMADS.
People moved in small bands – usually 20 – 30 people – searching for food. There were no farms, villages or roads. Men did the hunting, often times far from camp. It was dangerous work. Women stayed in the camp, gathering fruits and berries. Everyone worked to find food, because it was crucial to the group’s survival.
TECHNOLOGY – tools and methods used to perform tasks. At first, tools were very simple: sticks, stones, branches. Over time, tools become more complex These tools made it easier to hunt and kill larger animals. The tools became smaller and sharper and would impact how people would farm and where they would live.
Early on, people lived in whatever shelter was AVAILABLE, or ready to be used. This included caves and rock overhangs. Overtime, people learned to make their own shelters. These were CONSTRUCTED, made from parts and put together. Depending on the climate and materials available, shelters were different from place to place.
When fire was discovered, it changed people’s way of life forever. Now, people could see during the night time Now, people could cook their food. Now, people could keep warm during period of cold.
COMMUNICATION – sharing of information with someone. Little by little, people develop language. Language makes it easier for us to communicate and pass on knowledge. Cave paintings were a way to record a groups history. Art also became a medium for people to express themselves.
ICE AGES- periods of extreme cold that affected all Earth. The lowering of the sea levels created a land bridge between Asia and North America. People crossed the land bridge and eventually settled in North America. Life during the ICE AGE was difficult. People had to adapt to survive.
About 2 million years ago the world’s climate became colder, and glaciers covered much of the Earth in a period called the Ice Age. Many mammals became extinct during this time. Early humans, Neanderthals, were alive at the time and found ways of surviving the cold, by doing such things as making clothes and weapons.
Please pay close attention to the following video. ENJOY!
Please pay close attention to the following video. ENJOY!