Chapter 2 Prehistoric Age Vocabulary Words
1)Before Common Era (BCE)- More Scientific time period naming system that replace B.C. period naming system that replace B.C. 2) Common Era (CE)- More scientific time period naming system that replaced A.D. naming system that replaced A.D. 3) Paleolithic Age- Old Stone Age 4) Neolithic Age- New Stone Age 5) Culture- a society’s way of life shown by its ideology, customs and arts ideology, customs and arts
6)Artifacts- Human-made remnants from past culture 7) Technology- Ways of applying knowledge, tools and inventions to meet one’s needs and inventions to meet one’s needs 8) Homo Sapiens- Species name for modern humans 9) Hominids- Prehistoric species of man that began to walk upright to walk upright 10) Nomads- Societies that move from place to place in order to meet their basic survival needs in order to meet their basic survival needs
11) Hunter-Gatherers- Another name for nomadic societies societies 12) Neolithic Revolution- Shift from a hunting and gathering culture to a food-producing society 13) Domestication- Taming of animals for human use 14) Agriculture- The growing of crops to be used as a sustainable food source sustainable food source 15) Arable- Fertile land suitable for farming
16) Civilization- Complex culture in which people share a number of common elements 17) Job Specialization- Development of skills in a specific type of trade 18) Slash and Burn Farming- Technique that involves using ashes as fertilizer to create suitable farmland 19) Traditional Economy- System that relies on the production of agriculture and simple goods 20) Barter System-Method of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services
21) Artisans- Skilled trade workers 22) Institution- Long Lasting Pattern of organization within a civilization