Paleolithic Age & Neolithic Revolution The Stone Ages and Early Cultures
How did humans’ ways of living change as they interacted and adapted? Essential Question How did humans’ ways of living change as they interacted and adapted?
Day 1-Intro Discussion of Cave Art from France.
This is a cave painting from France that is over 15,000 years old This is a cave painting from France that is over 15,000 years old. Discovered in 1940, The cave contains nearly 2,000 figures, which can be grouped into three main categories - animals, human figures and abstract signs. Some anthropologists and art historians also theorize that the paintings could be an account of past hunting success, or could represent a mystical ritual in order to improve future hunting endeavors.
The First People - Hominids and Early Humans Scientists study the remains of early humans to learn about prehistory-time before there was writing . Hominids appeared about 3 million years ago. In the early 1960’s Louis Leakey found hominid remains that he called Homo habilis, or “handy man.”
First People Continued… Another group of hominids appeared in Africa about 1.5 million years ago. This group is called Homo erectus, or “upright man.” Scientists think these people walked completely upright. Scientists believe that Homo erectus knew how to control fire. Eventually hominids developed characteristics of modern humans. They first appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago. Scientists call these people Homo sapiens, or “wise man.” Every person alive today belongs to this group.
Archaeology of the First People To study prehistory, historians rely on the work of archaeologists and anthropologists. Archaeologists have found old bones that appear to belong to hominids, early ancestors of humans. Archaeology – the study of human civilization through the remains that have been left behind over time. Discoveries of ancient bones give us information about early humans and their ancestors – relative who lived in past.
Stone Age Tools The first humans and their ancestors lived during a long period of time called the Stone Age and used tools to complete tasks in everyday life. The first part of the Stone Age is called the Paleolithic Era, or Old Stone Age. a tool is any handheld object that has been modified to help a person accomplish a task. The First Tools - Scientists have found the oldest tools in Tanzania, a country in East Africa. Each stone has been struck with another rock to create a sharp, jagged edge along one side. This process let one unsharpened side that could be used as a handle. These tools were mostly used to process food. Tools like these, called choppers, were used for about 2 million years.
Stone Age Tools Continued… Later Tools - Over time people learned to make better tools. For example, they developed the hand ax. People also learned to attach wooden handles to tools. By attaching a wooden shaft to a stone point, for example, they invented the spear. Because a spear could be thrown, hunters no longer had to stand close to animals they were hunting. Among the animals hunted by Stone Age people were deer, horses, bison, and elephant-like creatures called mammoths.
Reflection….(p.7) Put yourself in someone else’s shoes! How would the discovery of tools help make a person’s life easier? What type of tools do we use in the present that make our lives easier? Provide evidence for your reasoning. End of day 1
Hunter-Gatherers Societies Anthropologist believe that early humans lived in small groups. They might have taken shelter in a caves. When food or water became hard to find, groups of people would have to move to new areas. The early humans of the Stone Age were hunter-gatherers- people who hunt animals and gather wild plants, seeds, fruit, and nuts to survive. Most Stone Age hunters were men, and they hunted in groups. Women in hunter-gather societies probably took responsibility for collecting plants to eat. Begin Day 2
Language, Art, Religion Hunter-gatherer societies developed language, art, and religion. A society is a community of people who share a common culture. Some think language was invented to make hunting in groups easier. Others think it developed as a way for people to form relationships. Still others think it made it easier to resolve issues like how to distribute food. They also created art. People carved figures out of stone, ivory, and bone. They painted and carved images of people and animals on cave walls. Scholars know little about the religious beliefs of early people. Archaeologists have found graves that included food and artifacts. Many scientists think that the first human religions developed during the Stone Age. Discuss how language, art, and religion are important.
The single most important development of the Stone Age was language. Four Corners Activity The single most important development of the Stone Age was language. To what extent do you Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree with this statement. In your group discuss why you feel the way you do about this statement. Be prepared to share your response with the class!
Work with your group! In your opinion, what are the most important changes brought by the development of language? Why would someone take the time to decorate a pot such as this? How do religious beliefs connect people? Create a Tree Map to list your answers! Neolithic pot from Korea. Stop to tree map language, art, religion. End of Day 2 Discuss
Day 4 Thousands of years ago , early people decorated caves with paintings like this one from Chauvet cave in France. No one knows for sure why people created cave painting , but many historians think they were related to hunting.
Discovery of Chauvet Cave With your elbow partner, complete ACAPS for this primary source and write it in your notebook. Write this on right side of your notebook Author – Who created source? Context – When & where was the source created? Audience – For what audience was this source created? Purpose – For what reason was this source created? Significance – What can be learned from this source? End of Day 4
If YOU were there . . . Your tribe of hunter-gatherers has lived in this place for as long as anyone can remember. But now there are not enough animals to hunt. Whenever you find berries and roots, you have to share them with people from other tribes. Your leaders think it’s time to find a new home in the land far beyond the mountains. But no one has ever traveled there, and many people are afraid. How do you feel about moving to a new home? Day 5 Discussion with tables. Each table is a tribe of hunter-gatherers. Red and green students are leaders. Examine point of view from hunter-gatherer and modern day. Be prepared to discuss.
Early Human Migration People moved out of Africa as the earth’s climates changed, many places around the world began to experience ice ages, or long periods of freezing weather. Many hominids and early humans migrated, or move, to new places, from Africa to Asia and spread to India, China, Southeast Asia, and Europe. During the ice ages, huge sheets of ice covered much of the earth’s land. Scientists think that in some places the ocean level dropped and exposed land bridges between continents. These land bridges, a strip of land connecting two continents, allowed Stone Age people to migrate around the world.
Examine the map. What do you find interesting about this map Examine the map. What do you find interesting about this map? What do you find puzzling or confusing about this map?
Early Human Migration People adapted to new environments by making clothing and new types of tools. To keep warm, they learned to sew animal skins together to make clothing. They took shelter in caves. When they moved to areas with no caves, they built their own shelters. The first human-made shelters were called pit houses. They were pits in the ground with roofs of branches and leaves.
Early Human Migration During this time, society entered a new era. Mesolithic Era, or the Middle Stone Age, which began more than 10,000 years ago and lasted to about 5,000 years ago in some places. During the Middle Stone Age, people found new uses for bone and stone tools. These new tools included hooks and spears for fishing, and bows and arrows for hunting. They developed new technologies to improve their lives. For example, they learned how to make pots from clay, how to hollow out logs to make canoes, and how to use dogs for protection and to help them hunt. End Day 5 Flow Map of Migration Africa to Europe, Southwest Asia to South Asia, North Asia, and North America
Beginnings of Agriculture The first farmers learned to grow plants and raise animals in the New Stone Age or Neolithic Age. Farming changed societies and the way people lived. This domestication of plants led to the development of agriculture, or farming. The process of changing plants or animals to make them more useful to humans is called domestication
Farming Changes Society People began to build permanent settlements. As these early farmers learned to control their own food production and to make better shelters and clothing, populations grew. The agricultural revolution had a profound impact on human culture and civilization with the invention of writing, the calender, and the wheel. How can early farmers get water into their fields? Culture – the behaviors, beliefs, and values of a specific group of people. Civilization – the type of culture and society developed by a particular group of people in a specific time.
Notebook Activity #3 As a gatherer, you know where to find the sweetest fruits. Every summer, you eat many of these fruits, dropping the seeds on the ground. One day you return to find new plants everywhere. You realize that the plants have grown from your dropped seeds. How could this discovery change your way of life? Create a circle map to brainstorm your ideas.
Essential Question Reflection How did humans’ ways of living change as they interacted and adapted? Discuss your question with your table partner. Write your response in your notebook and be prepared to share. Exit Ticket