Welcome! Global 9 Interim Review Quarter 1 AIM: Review for the Interim Do Now: Take out your review sheet
These scientists study artifacts. Who are they?
Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley and Yellow Valley civilizations all settled near….
Why did civilizations settle near rivers? Give at least TWO reasons
Fertile soil, transportation, fresh water for animals and people
Believing in many gods is called….
Judaism was unique for the time period because they were ______
How do we know that early people believed in an afterlife?
Burial Rituals
The Phonecians invented _____ to help them trade?
An alphabet to record transactions
What did we call people who were trained to read and write?
What do geographers study?
People, Environments and Resources of the world
What is cultural diffusion? Give an example
When ideas, customs and technology spread
The Diaspora, the Torah, Monotheism, Exodus are all terms associated with which religion?
Give an example of a primary source.
Diary, photograph,
Hammurabi’s Code punished people based on their…
Social Class
Sumer was divided into…
Name the 5 Themes of Geography
1. Location 2. Place 3. Region 4. Human-Environment Interaction 5. Movement
Describe the Caste System…and what religion is it a part of?
1. Determined a person’s job, friends, marriage partner 2. Hinduism
Pharaohs in Egypt were viewed as______
Before writing was invented is referred to as _______
Name the 8 Features of Civilization
1. Public Works 2. Arts and Architecture 3. Complex Religions 4. Job Specialization 5. Well-organized central governments 6. Cities 7. Social Classes 8. Writing
During the Paleolithic Age, how did people find food?
Hunted and gathered
What was one result of the Neolithic Revolution?
1. Rise of villages 2. Farming begins 3. Governments begin
What is the mandate of heaven?
The idea that god gave rulers the right to rule
How were the Indus River valley cities laid out?
In a grid pattern
The pyramids were used as _______
Tombs for the pharaohs
What is feudalism?
Political system where rulers give land to lords and nobles in exchange for military service
Why did the Zhou take over for the Shang?
The Zhou claimed the mandate of heaven
Why did the Indus Civilization fall into decline?
Historians believe it was an ecological disaster.
The Hebrews wrote their laws and events down in the _____
The Torah
The Hittites are known for inventing ______
Iron making