The International Union Against Cancer (UICC) statistics show that more people die from cancer than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis put together: 12.5% of all deaths each year are due to cancer. According to WHO predictions, cancer is expected to increase to epidemic proportions due to the ageing population in Europe and the rise of a majority of new cancer cases in the developing countries I. FACTS AND ISSUES
Cancer burden in Europe - One in three Europeans is diagnosed with cancer and the disease kills 1 in 4 people. Every family in Europe is touched in some way by this devastating disease. - Cancer is the second most common cause of death after cardiovascular disease. There are more than 2.2 million new cases and more than 1.1 million cancer deaths in EU 25 (estimated figures for 2006) - Every day, more than 6000 Europeans are diagnosed with cancer and 3000 die from their disease. - The number of Europeans with cancer will increase dramatically by 2015 largely due to the ageing population Figures based on ” Estimates of the cancer incidence and mortality in Europe in 2006” published in the Annals of Oncology by the International Agency for research on Cancer http//
Remember : one out of every three risks having cancer at some point in their life time. With an estimated 3.2 million new cases each year, cancer remains an evident public health challenge in Europe
Initiatives in Europe Health promotion and prevention, information and education, screening, diagnosis, treatment, research, rehabilitation and palliative care
Numerical Data
Numerical data
II. WHAT ROLE OF THE GOVERMENT HOW TO INFLUENCE POLICY AND INCREASE RESOURSES How to influence policy and increase resources in the fight against cancer and especially in the context of the national cancer strategic plans
What is a national cancer strategic plan? A national cancer control programme / strategic plan is a public health programme designed to reduce the incidence and mortality of cancer and improve the quality of life of cancer patients in a particular country through systematic and equitable implementation of evidence-based strategies for preventions, early detection, treatment and palliation; making the best use of available resources
The plan will set measurable and feasible objectives, include priorities for activities to undertake and include assessment / evaluation mechanism
HOW TO INFLUENCE POLICY? Appropriate mobilization of all the stakeholders is necessary to develop cancer control measures and plan. Governmental and non-governmental organizations in the cancer sector need to join their efforts and create some synergies to develop efficient activities to get the necessary cancer control measures.
Non-governmental organization can perform a role that cannot traditionally be undertaken by government because of some constraints.
The involvement of the community is also necessary as the policies adopted must be followed by the people for whom they are intended. √
Partners to influence policy may also come from private sector as well as professional organizations √
Increasing government resources Evidence – based strategies for prevention, early detection, treatment and palliation must take the best use of available resources. Resources for the national cancer control programme should be provided by the government and eventually supplemented by NGO’s. Additional sources can come from the European Union for specific purposes. Structural funds are by the way mentioned in the resolution on Combating cancer in an enlarged European Union.
III. CONCLUSION III. CONCLUSION ►Cancer burden is still very heavy. Europe and the world need stronger policy answers. Comprehensive cancer control plans have been shown to be effective. ►Therefore the political commitment of all stakeholders as well as adequate allocation of financial resources are necessary to succeed.
Future Directions ►Need for political commitment of all stakeholders ►Need for coordination of government and NGO ‘s activities and plans ►Need for allocation of further financial resources