Leen Vooijs Implementing risk based maintenance concepts.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /2 Present situation in the Netherlands More preventive maintenance Decreasing knowledge Lack of information Output Maintenance Contracts Maintenance manager Lack of Budget Performance contract TOC’s % less failures in 2005
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /3 Maintenance manager What will be the cost of a better performance? Why is maintenance so expensive? How do we ensure the contracted performance? What are the effects of cutting budgets? What are the best actions to be taken to improve performance? What do we have to pay for 1% more availability?
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /4 Essence of these questions: What is the (quantitative) relation between maintenance(cost) as input and performance of infrastructure as output ? And how to manage this relation ?
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /5 How to answer that question? Looking for a systematic approach to link maintenance activities to performance. Based on risks Usable for evaluation and planning.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /6 Model Object Maintenance concept Failure mode Statistical information Company objectives CausesEffectCriticality analysis Preventive activities Repair activities Using the FMECA.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /7 Simulation and results (prediction)
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /8 Comparing scenario's Without Preventive maintenance: With Preventive maintenance:
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /9 Pointing critical installations/components 432 22 Light 11 64 Casing 216 64 Cable Risk ( Availability) Risk (cost) Object / part Setting of inspection frequencies When preventive maintenance has to be done 0 Condition (t) % t f(t) t μ = MTTF Moment a disturbance occurs. 80 Lead-Time Actual Optimizer When modification of components/installations will be effective Supports maintenance engineer in:
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /10 Year activity proposal
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /11 Basis for activities. Rules and regulations will be based on risks. Proposals for modification of installations, methods of regulation will be based on analysis of risks referring to usage. Effect: the risks and the effects are subject of discussion, not the activities itself.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /12 Relation with contractors (1). ProRail Performance specifications Defining necessary activities Contractor Execution of activities Performance results In this area ProRail and the contractor have to discuss improvements, methods and activities.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /13 Relation with contractors (2). Discussing improvements, methods and activities is: And risk based maintenance concepts will be the common language. MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /14 Actual status. Generic concepts for 18 objects available. Maintenance concepts still to be implemented. Discussion about how to use maintenance concepts in maintenance contracts Optimisation to be started.
ProRail - ambities in railinfra /15 Thank you for your attention Any questions ?