COMMUNICATIONS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 2010 Communications Design in Military Projects
What is Involved in Communications Design? RFP’s Design Narratives Outlet Locations and Type Detail Drawings Specifications (SpecsIntact)
What Systems are Typically Involved? Data/VoiceCATVPaging ESSAudio/Visual Site Communications
Systems and their Design Guide Criteria Division 27 I3A Data/Voice CATV Site Communications Pathways and Spaces for Division 27 & 28 Systems Division 28 UFC NF (ESS) Video Surveillance Access Control Intrusion Detection
What is the I3A Technical Criteria Design of Information Infrastructure Architecture Based on ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards with DOD preferences Establishes an Army-wide IT architectural design criteria for telecommunications Takes precedence in all cases over the UFC Not a specification, a Technical Criteria for design
I3A Design Requirements ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards are the basis as a minimum CSI Master Format 2004 numbers and titles ISEC - reviews, approves, or make comments for correction to the contract drawings for installation Telecommunication designs shall be rendered and stamped by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD)
What are the TIA/EIA Standards 568-C.0 Generic Cabling Standard 569-B Pathways and Spaces 606-A Administration 607-A Bonding 862 BAS 568-C.1 Building Cabling Standard 570-B Residential 758-A OSP 942 Data Center 1005 Industrial 568-C.2 Copper Components568-C.3 Optical Fiber Components
Who Developed the Standards More than 150 Subject Matter Experts Include: ● Architects ● Commissioning Agents ● Electrical Engineers ● Energy Consultants ● Fire Protection Consultants ● Information Technology ● Insurance Risk Assessors ● Mechanical Engineers ● Security Consultants ● Structural Engineers
What is BICSI?
“BICSI” BICSI (pr. “BIK SEE”) (the “Building Industry Consulting Service International”) Headquartered in Tampa, Florida the organization has membership in nearly 100 countries. Credentials are recognized worldwide by the telecommunications industry, DOD, and USACOE for cabling installers and designers who specialize in complex communications systems
Why an RCDD? RCDD’s have the knowledge, education, and understanding of TIA/EIA Standards, and the digital world of information technology for communications design RCDD’s design communications only RCDD’s have to obtain continuing education credits each year to keep RCDD National Registration (15 CEU’s)
BICSI Specialist Credentials RCDD ESSNTSOSPWD
Designer/Contractor Roles Contractor does not have to be an RCDD or have one on staff Electrical, mechanical, and plumbing contractors are not required to be a P.E. or have on staff BICSI Technician Certification for contractor Contractor can’t possibly design after building design is complete No oversight if contractor is designer and installer RCDD designs and contractor installs
Communications Drawings It is the RCDD’s responsibility to provide “T” drawings not the contractor CSI Master Format 2004: T-Sheets Floor plans Communications Room Detail Riser Diagrams Cable Tray Plan Etc….
Project Management Project management is critical after design to ensure contractor installations are I3A compliant Submittal Review Inspections Test Report Analysis Random Testing
Test Report Analysis
Communications Design Coordination RCDD Architect Electrical Engineer Owner Mechanical Engineer
Pathways and Spaces EF, BD, & FD’s (Location and Sizing) Power requirements Cooling Requirements Pathways
Pre-Design Phase Meeting with Owner Why is a pre-design meeting needed with the owner? 1. I3A is a minimum criteria and does not cover all user preferences 2. Communications design is based on necessity and performance not functionally 3. To ensure that the RFP truly represents what the owner needs 4. Special applications the owner may have, and make sure the infrastructure design will match their equipment
SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network SIPRNET version 5.0 Technical criteria published by USAISEC with mandates from CTTA, DISA, DAA, DOD, DOIM (NEC), NSTISSC, and TEMPEST Design for SIPRNET shall be coordinated with the CTTA and DAA CTTA determines the quantity and location of SIPRNET outlets CTTA- reviews, approves or make comments for correction to the contract drawings for installation contract documents for installation
SIPRNET Cont… SIPRNET Environment: Environment determines the need for a PDS CAA (3 Classes) LCA UAA
Conclusion Information Transport Systems are designed per I3A and TIA/EIA Standards for the purpose of scalability, code compliance, standard compliance, and performance. The I3A standards were created so that RCDD’s will design communications infrastructures that are standard across all Army-wide installations
References Technical Criteria for the Installation of Information Infrastructure Architecture, I3A (February 2010 ) Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) TIA/EIA Standards 2009 CSI Master Format 2004 Technical Guide for the Integration of SIPRNET, (Version 5.0, August 2008)
Bits and Bytes For example, it takes eight bits (1 byte) to store a single character. The capital letter “A” is expressed digitally as A small case “a” is represented in binary code as binary
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