 Visit the SASA website on  Overview of SASA – Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture A joint project of.


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Presentation transcript:

 Visit the SASA website on  Overview of SASA – Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture A joint project of FLO, SAI, SAN and IFOAM 8 December 2003 SCI Meeting,Geneva Dr. Sasha Courville, project coordinator Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture

the initiators ► FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International SAI - Social Accountability International SAN - Sustainable Agriculture Network, Rainforest Alliance IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements  Visit the SASA website on  ISEAL and FAO are Project Partners

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture objectives ► SASA - Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture - is a collaborative project of four social and environmental verification systems, which aims to 1.develop tools and guidelines for the implementation of social audits across a wide range of agricultural systems 2.foster convergence between the four collaborating initiatives FLO, SAI, SAN, IFOAM through shared learning  Visit the SASA website on 

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture sub-objectives ► 1.Tools for social auditing To develop best practice guidelines for social auditing and standard-setting in sustainable agriculture 2.Supply chain considerations To examine supply chain actors’ impacts and responsibilities 3.Small holders To address particular needs of smallholder producers 4.Mutual promotion To explore the possibilities of mutual promotion of complementary systems  Visit the SASA website on 

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture methodology ► Workshops and decision-making on specific topics Joint research audit exercises at inspection level  Visit the SASA website on  CropCountryRound BananaCosta Rica1 Mixed FarmItaly1 Orange Juice Brazil1 RiceThailand1 CropCountryRound Cut FlowersColombia2 Mangos Burkina Faso 2 StrawberryUSA2 CoffeeCosta Rica2 CottonUganda2

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture Initial Results ►  Visit the SASA website on  On social standards and auditing methodologies There is significant convergence in social standards of the participating systems on most social standards issues Further coordination and convergence of standards where possible, especially on difficult social auditing issues Significant learning in best practice audit methodologies: Health and safety in agriculture – learning from SAN Smallholder approaches – learning from FLO and IFOAM Verification of worker rights – learning from SAI Addressing difficult social auditing issues: Working Hours, Undocumented Workers, Freedom of Association

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture Initial Results ►  Visit the SASA website on  On coordination between the four initiatives: Context: SASA initiatives are 4 main verification systems in agriculture Some overlap but also key differences in approach (due to missions) and in target clients that makes these systems distinct Question - How can these initiatives coordinate to: Reduce overlaps Build synergies between complementary systems Provide a high quality alternative to proliferation of initiatives

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture Initial Results ►  Visit the SASA website on  One possibility: One Stop Shop Approach SASA initiatives under one “roof” through ISEAL – I.e. Airline Alliances or Department Store Distinct initiatives but coordination through a seamless interface to improve services to producers and workers, supply chain companies, retailers and consumers Requires coordination in delivery of products to clients but also in supporting processes to be able to deliver effective solutions

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture One Stop Shop ►  Visit the SASA website on  Currently under discussion: 1.Information “Department”: generic and comparative information on certification systems (standards, scope, case studies on costs and benefits*, reference lists, markets) 2.Evaluation “Department: self-evaluation tools 3.Implementation “Department”: Extension and training 4.Inspection “Department”: integrated audit, modular components (traceability, management systems, ICS), streamlined documentation requirements, auditor training 5.Appropriate and cost-effective certification packages 6.Communication to consumers and institutions

Social Accountability in Sustainable Agriculture Time frame ► Oct Feb. 04Evaluation workshops targeting key stakeholder groups Nov.03 - Jan 04Final audit exercises trialling the One Stop Shop: coffee cotton April st 2004Final SASA Conference at FAO, Rome Then…Implementation  Visit the SASA website on 