Advanced Centre for Hill Bioresources & Biotechnology CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur , INDIA September, 2003
CENTRE’S HISTORY To face the challenges in frontier areas of science and technology, Advanced Centre for Hill Bioresources & Biotechnology (ACHBB) owes its origin to the erstwhile Biotechnology Centre, established in the University during MANDATE MANDATE 1.Human resource development through Post-Graduate programme in Agricultural Biotechnology 2.Need-based and strategic research in the selected areas 3.Training/Extension services for Hill farmers and entrepreneurs PROGRAMME AREAS MISSION To improve farm economy of the Hill farmers through sustainable use of Hill Bioresources and Biotechnology Molecular markers in crop improvement M. Sc. In Agricultural Biotechnology Training in Bioinformatics to students/scientists Hill Farmers’ Need-Based Research (PA-1) Strategic Research (PA-2) Human Resource Development (PA-3) Training/ Extension Services (PA-4) This programme is run in cooperation with five Regional Research and Extension Centres of the University Mass propagation of plant materials of important plant species Development of improved germplasm/strains of plants, animals and microbes The programme undertakes strategic research in the frontier areas of biotechnology Jointly with national and international collaborations Programme is run jointly with 4 constituent Colleges i.e. Agriculture, Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Home Science and Basic Sciences The programme imparts training to farmers and entrepreneurs in participation with Directorate of Extension Education and 8 KVKs Molecular diagnostics of important plant and animal diseases Probiotics in livestock feed Biofertilizer and biopescides Development of micropropagation protocols Gene cloning and functional genomics Development of transgenics Bioinformatics Bioprospecting, biodiversity conservation and management Training to farmers and entrepreneurs on micropogation technology Hands-on training of scientists and students Consultancy services ADVANCED CENTRE FOR HILL BIORESOURCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Activities
Highlights of past 5 years Standardization of micropropagation protocol in ginger, turmeric, saffron and carnation. Development of disease resistance and quality germplasm of rice, Brassicas and pulses. Production of doubled haploids in rice, wheat and Brassicas. DNA fingerprinting of rice blast and pea Fusarium wilt pathogen. Collection, characterization, documentation and the database preparation of plant bioresources of dry temperate areas of Himachal Pradesh. Nine students completed M.Sc. (Agricultural Biotechnology) and 22 are on roll. Training of students in Bioinformatics. Publications in the National and International Journals. Students qualified UGC-CSIR/ICAR NET examination. Hands on training of scientists and students. Consultancy services to entrepreneurs. In vitro Multiple shoot formation of saffron Rice plantlets regenerating from anther culture derived callus FACULTY Centre has competent faculty trained in the advanced laboratories in US, Canada, UK, etc. and many teachers have been awarded national and international fellowships and other awards. Under an MOU, the teaching programme is also supported by the scientific staff from the Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT), Palampur. CORE FACULTY ADVANCED CENTRE FOR HILL BIORESOURCES & BIOTECHNOLOGY S.K. SharmaProgramme Director P. PlahaProfessor T.R. SharmaAssociate Professor R.K. KapilaAssociate Professor R.S. ChauhanAssistant Scientist K.D. SharmaAssistant Professor R. RathourAssistant Scientist ADJUNCT FACULTY INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (CSIR) P.S. AhujaDirector A.A. ZaidiScientist E-II Sanjay Kumar Scientist E-I Madhu SharmaScientist E-I Amita BhattacharyaScientist C V.K. HallanScientist C
BUILDING PARTNERSHIP To upgrade and enhance research and teaching efforts, the Center maintains intra-institutional linkages with the various departments of the College of Agriculture and five Regional Research and Extension Centres of the University. The Centre is developing strong linkages in the area of animal, microbial and food biotechnology with the concerned colleges and their departments. The Centre seeks to expand its strategic partnerships with National and International Institutes in the priority/thrust areas identified. DNA fingerprints of Fagopyrum sp. COURSES OFFERED Undergraduate Courses Plant Biotechnology and Plant Tissue Culture. Post-graduate Courses Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, Techniques in Cell Biology, Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, Molecular Markers and Genome Characterization, Principles of Genetic Engineering, Techniques on Genetic Engineering, Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture, Biotechnology for Crop Improvement, Biodiversity, IPR, Biosafety, Bioethics, Plant Metabolic Engineering and Bioinformatics. Student working in the PG laboratory POST-GRADUATE PROGRAMME IN AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY The Centre is running Master’s programme in Agricultural Biotechnology in collaboration with the Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR), Palampur since March 2000 with funding from the Departments of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. The University has the distinction to be one of the six SAUs in the country to have this programme. The DBT has also offered the Centre to start Ph.D. (Agricultural Biotechnology) programme from academic session and two fellowships have been sanctioned. Degree:M.Sc. (Agri. Biotechnology) Specialization:1.In-vitro techniques for crop improvement 2.Molecular markers 3.Biotic and abiotic stress induced gene expression 4.Immunodiagnosis 5.Transgenics Duration:Two years Number of seats:5 Selection procedure:On the basis of All India Entrance Test inducted by JNU, New Delhi
INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER RESEARCH FACILITIES 1. Laboratory facilities The Centre has well equipped laboratories for undertaking teaching and research Tissue Culture & Molecular Cytogenetics Laboratory Molecular Biology Laboratory Bioresources Laboratory Post-graduate and Under-graduate Laboratories 2.Lecture theaters: Three 3.Seminar Hall: The Seminar room is equipped with modern audio-visual facilities such as, slide projectors, LCD projectors, etc. 4.Infrastructural facilities: Green-house, Net-house, Glass-house, Poly-house 5.Library: The Centre has a library adequately equipped with latest books and manuals on biotechnology and related areas for ready reference to the scientists and students 6.Common facilities: Computers with internet connectivity, photocopier, fax, printers, etc. are available for staff and students. 7.Bioinformatics Centre: Bioinformatics Centre is being established to build up information resources. 8.IPR and Patent Information Cell For further information, please contact: Programme Director ACHBB, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur , India Phone: Fax / SERVICES PROVIDED ON DEMAND Training to the farmers and entrepreneurs in the commercialization of micropropagation technology. Hands-on training of students and scientists in various techniques of biotechnology. Consultancy to public and private entrepreneurs/ institutions. Out source research and development. Data base of high altitude bioresources. Summer/Winter vacation training :The students undergo one month compulsorytraining in Research Institutions/Universities/Industries Post-graduate degrees awarded :13 Students on roll:16 Students’ Placement Cell:The Centre has a students’ Placement Cell