Slide 1. Central Plains (High Plains) Wind Farm in Wichita County, Kansas, classified as tilled and flat. Inset shows buried cable that was highly visible in the imagery (green line), but disappeared with new crop cycles. Relatively little of the disturbance other than string roads will affect agricultural processes. All images in supplemental information produced by the National Agricultural Imagery Program.
Slide 2: Goodnoe Hills, installed in Klickitat County, Washington, classified as grassland and hills. The broader region contains agriculture, but turbines are in grasslands. Detail shows disturbed area around and between turbines and a site transformer substation. The feature to the lower right of the inset image is a transformer substation built prior to the Goodnoe Hills installation. It was not digitized, though it was developed for several wind installations in the area.
Slide 3: Full extent of Kibby Mountain Wind facility, Franklin County, Maine, which was classified as ridgelines and forest. The line extending south and east of the facility is a transmission line clear-cut expected to be used by future planned wind energy. The pink dots represent pads for new, uninstalled turbines. This detail of the southern portion of the site shows the ridgelines and extensive road and timber harvest areas that were not digitized for the wind power installation. Several timber drag lines were developed to remove timber from the wind installation site and were included in the data.
Slide 4: Mars Hill, Aroostook Co., Maine, classified as ridgeline and forest, is adjacent to a ski area to the south. The red line from the center of the site leading west indicates new transmission lines that connect to a new transformer substation. Access is from the north end. Detail shows the extent of tree clearing adjacent to turbine pads.
Slide 5: Oklahoma Wind Energy Center, Woodward and Harper Counties, Oklahoma, classified as mesa and hay. Turbines to the north follow ridgelines, while those south are on flat areas. Hay production dominates the landscape.
New Mexico Wind Energy Center detail of digitized disturbance. The pink polygon shows hardened surface roads, turbine pads, and other surfaces for heavy transport. Blue polygon shows areas of native surface disturbance for buried cable, road edge and native surface roads. Slide 6: Full extent of New Mexico Wind Energy Center showing the proximity of turbines to the western mesa edge. Classified as ridgeline and shrub. Turbines do not extend to the eastern flat areas. Though farming and grazing are nearby, the areas surrounding the turbines were relatively intact shrublands.
Slide 7: Full extent of Sherbino phase 1, Pecos County, TX, classified as ridgeline and grassland. Land use includes oil and gas production and some marginal cattle grazing. Transformer substations are central to the turbine installation and near major highway access. Sherbino phase 1, western end of site. Extensive oil and gas extraction is identified within the facility, some sharing of roads occurs between these two energy industries. Oil and gas roads, well pads and pipeline scars are visible within close proximity of wind turbine installations and not digitizes as part of the wind facility land transformation.