DEMETRAE GenDer GuidancE to enhance and support woMEn choices in the AgriculTuRAl fiEld: pathways and tools for Education and Vocational systems Leonardo da Vinci Project – Transfer of Innovation AGREEMENT n° LLP-LdV-TOI-11-IT-742 CUP code :G32F
Project Duration From 1st October 2011 to 30th September 2013 to 30th September 2013
Partners of the DEMETRAE project Applicant/Lead Partner: IIS “A. Serpieri” Bologna (Institution of Secondary Education) ITALY Management-Co-ordinator Partner CONFAO – Roma CONFAO – Consorzio Nazionale per la Formazione, l'Aggiornamento e l'Orientamento – Roma (National Consortium for Education, Vocational training, Up-grading and Vocational Guidance) CORA Roma - Centri Retravailler Associati Collegio Periti Agrari e Periti Agrari Laureati di Bologna FECOAM - Federación de Cooperativas Agrarias de Murcia Spain EABWSMEsMB - Employers’ Association of the Business Women of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Municipality of Bucharest Romania DDRP - Dobele District Rural Partnership Latvia SEED - Small Enterprise Economic Development Foundation Hungary
DEMETRAE stems from the Project “A.G.R.O.N.O.M.A. - Analisi Generale Risorse Orientamento Nazionale Obiettivo Management Agricolo” (General Analysis of the National Vocational Guidance Resources of the Agricultural Management Objecitive) funded by National Law 10 April 1991 n. 124 – “Positive Actions for the Fulfilment of Men- Women Equality in the Labour Market”. AGRONOMA has started in 2006 promoted by CONFEDERDIA - DEMETRAE stems from the Project “A.G.R.O.N.O.M.A. - Analisi Generale Risorse Orientamento Nazionale Obiettivo Management Agricolo” (General Analysis of the National Vocational Guidance Resources of the Agricultural Management Objecitive) funded by National Law 10 April 1991 n. 124 – “Positive Actions for the Fulfilment of Men- Women Equality in the Labour Market”. AGRONOMA has started in 2006 promoted by CONFEDERDIA - CONFEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DEI DIRIGENTI, QUADRI E IMPIEGATI DELL’AGRICOLTURA (ITALIAN CONFEDERATION OF MANAGERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR) CD-ROM containing vocational guidance operational tools with a gender sensitive approach and vademecum/hanbook for both teachers and boys/girls Good Practice :
The project…what are we going to achieve? The DEMETRAE project aims to achieve primarily a GEOGRAPHIC transfer of innovation. Specifically, it intends to transfer the GOOD PRACTICE In Italy on the whole national territory (this will be possible thanks to the network of schools associated in the consortium CONFAO) At transnational level, in the partner countries: Spain, Romania, Latvia and Hungary TRANSFER OF CONTENTS TRANSFER OF CONTENTS: a) a) broadening and reviewing training tools in order to make the materials more appropriate to the needs of male/female teachers / guidance counselors involved in education and vocational training systems, and, following a “cascade effect”, more appropriate to the needs of boys/girls final beneficiaries of the training b) b) developing the contents related to the construction of the network, meant as a place for meeting and exchanging experiences and joint projects in the local area/territory and as a place for dialoguing between the involved systems: school, vocational training and labour market; METHODOLOGICAL TRANSFER METHODOLOGICAL TRANSFER : introducing tools and methodologies to support a network collaborative learning and for the creation of virtual places where to find information necessary to the "first" vocational guidance of people LANGUAGE TRANSFER LANGUAGE TRANSFER : thanks to the production of project results and products in the different partnership languages TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER : by providing a website, within which virtual collaborative learning places will be realized by implementing guided, coordinated and collective communication devices for a better exchange between users who benefited of the training experiences
Project Objectives Overcoming barriers, for girls, in agricultural Vocational Education and Training, and, in general, in studies and training related to the agricultural sector Overcoming the horizontal segregation of women in the agricultural labour market Overcoming women’s underrepresentation in decision-making bodies and in top-responsibility positions in the agricultural sector
Targets DIRECT TARGETS: VET teachers, trainers and vocational guidance operators INDIRECT TARGETS: students and individuals who are entering or re-entering the labour market (former school- graduates with qualifying examination for the access to the profession)
Work Packages Context analysis and Target group needs analysis Analysis of the selected Best Practice Product adaptation and implementation Transfer of Innovation Integration into VET Systems Valorisation and Dissemination
Final Products/Outcomes CD-ROM containing support documents and operational tools in order to implement gender- sensitive vocational guidance practices in the agro- environmental field (re-adapted best practice) Teams of trained teachers/vocational guidance operators, who work in VET systems in the agricultural field, using a gender-sensitive approach. Group of male and female students who have experienced the experimentation Virtual exchange places for teachers and male/female students Advisory help-desk for teachers/vocational guidance operators Best Practice integrated into the education and training programs of the schools, as well as of the partnership organizations/institutions and of the schools which are part of the partners networks