University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Agriculture 04:58
THE AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF VOJVODINA the northern province of Serbia – 24 % of its territory population about 2,320,000 inhabitants capital Novi Sad “breadbasket of Europe” 80% of its territory - a fertile plain, covered with fields of wheat, maize, sugar beet, sunflower, soybean and other industrial plants and other field crops 04:58
Novi Sad - capital of the Vojvodina province Second largest city in Serbia population – 350,000 inhabitants industrial, cultural, scientific, educational and administrative centre of Vojvodina first written documents date back to 1694 within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in 1748, Novi Sad was granted the status of a free city 04:58
Second largest university in Serbia founded 1960. Only state University in Vojvodina region (7 state universities in Serbia) 14 faculties (9 in Novi Sad) F. of Philosophy F. of Agriculture F. of Law F. of Technology F. of Technical Sciences, F. of Medicine F. of Sciences Academy of Arts F. ofSport and Physical Education F. of Economics in Subotica F. of Civil Engineering, Subotica Teachers' Training Faculty in Hungarian, Subotica "Mihajlo Pupin" Technical F., Zrenjanin Faculty of Education, Sombor 04:58
University Campus – 7 faculties, student dormitories, teaching assistant dormitory, sports fields and facilities 04:58
Central Rectorate Building 6900m2 Amphitheatre, lecture halls, University Club, Central Library, Student parliament, central university services, Rector’s Office… 04:58
283 study programs – BA, MA, PhD Students ca. 46000 Teaching Staff 2900 Non-teaching staff 1150 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS WHO OBTAINED PhD - more than 2700 283 study programs – BA, MA, PhD 04:58
COST, IPA, NATO, SCOPES, BILATERAL PROJECTS, EUREKA Research and project TEMPUS Ongoing-25 Coordinating-5 ERASMUS Ongoing-2 FP7 Ongoing: 15 COST, IPA, NATO, SCOPES, BILATERAL PROJECTS, EUREKA More than 150 national projects and many projects with the industry 04:58
the oldest faculty within the University -founded 1954 The Faculty of Agriculture Address: Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Facts and figures Students -3340 Teaching Staff-226 Non-teaching staff-170 Graduated students-8374 Ing. of agr.-1006 Spec. studies 110 Master-241 MSc-903 PhD- 695 the oldest faculty within the University -founded 1954 04:58
Experimental Stations The Organization of the Faculty Dean’s Office Departments Chairs Laboratories Experimental Stations 04:58
EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS (4) For practical training and research, to gain scientific and experimental experience The Faculty experimental Fields cover 400 ha - Experimental Station for Viticulture, Sremski Karlovci - Experimental Station for Fruit Growing, Rimski Šančevi - Center for Sheep and Poultry breeding, Temerin - Guskov salas, legacy of Prof. Lazara Stojković, Ph.D. 04:58
Faculty departments (8) ● Department for field and vegetable crops ● Department for animal husbandry ● Department for fruit growing and viticulture ● Department for agricultural engineering ● Department for phytomedicine and environmental protection ● Department for water management ● Department for agricultural economics ● Department for veterinary medicine 04:58
The academic studies are organised on three levels-4+1+3: 1) Undergraduate (8 semesters, 240 ECTS) 2) Graduated-Master (2 semesters, 60 ECTS) 3) Integrated (10 semesters, 300 ECTS) 4) Doctoral (6 semesters, 180 ECTS) 04:58
1) Undergraduate Academic Studies (13) Crop Science Animal Science Fruit Science and Viticulture Phytomedicine Agricultural Engineering Water Management Agricultural Economics Landscape Architecture Horticulture Agrotourism and Rural Development Agricultural Ecology and Environmental Protection Organic Agriculture 04:58
2) Graduate Studies – Master Studies (16) Field Plant Growing (five modules: 1. Field Crop Growing; 2. Vegetable Crop Growing; 3. Fodder Plant Growing; 4. Irrigation of Agricultural Crops; 5. Agricultural Meteorology) Soil and Plant Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Science Organic Agriculture Animal Science Fruit and Vine Growing (two modules: 1. Fruit Science and 2. Viticulture) Phytomedicine (five modules: 1. Phytopharmacy, 2. Entomology, 3. Phytopathology, 4. Herbology, 5. Agricultural, Veterinary and Medicinal Zoology) Water Management Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Economics Horticulture Agricultural Water Management Agricultural Extension Service Landscape Architecture Biotechnology Management There are also master programs raised as a result of Tempus projects: Water Management-LOLAQUA Agricultural Extension Service 04:58
3. Integrated Academic Studies - Veterinary Medicine 4. Doctoral Studies (4) Agronomy Animal Husbandry Agricultural Economics Veterinary Medicine First students of Graduate Studies – Master's Studies enrolled in the 2006/2007, and first students of Doctoral Studies were enrolled in the academic 2008/009 Project-curricula development TEMPUS – 3 running ERASMUS MUNDUS– 2 UNS (action 2) Norway HERD -3 running 04:58
RESEARCH National projects supported by the MESTD Serbia (Total 40 ongoing p., 11 FANS coor.) the PSSTD Vojvodina (24 ong., 16 FANS coor.) Other PS (4 ong./ coor.) International projects supported by int. organizations and foundations (EU) -FP7 -3 ongoing (1-associate partner) SEERA.NET (FP7) – 5 ongoing (1 FANS coor.) COST – 4 ongoing IPA – 4 ongoing Norway HERD -3 ongoing Bilateral projects … 04:58
Role of University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture in CaSA Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency EACEA CALL EACEA N° 35/2012 TEMPUS IV – SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to link with Society, CaSA 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013 – 4604 / 001 - 001) Role of University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture in CaSA 9.1. Adopting a dissemination plan and identifying target groups for dissemination 9.2. Designing and maintaining the project web-site 9.3. Organizing of other dissemination and visibility activities: briefings, presentations, press conferences and other events 9.4. Publishing and disseminating training manuals and guidelines 9.5. Dissemination at Final conference in NS 4.3. Development of classical (f2f) vocational courses for AMS teachers and agronomists in extension service 4.4. Development of web based vocational courses for AMS teachers and agronomists in extension service ... other CaSA activities 04:58 CaSA Kick off meeting, Belgrade FABU January 30 – 31. 2014