“Knowledge for Management Excellence” [Know ME] Tanzania Agricultural Investment Mapping (TAN-AIM) Project Portfolio Mapping Tool (PMT) Familiarization Session DPs - Agricultural Working Group (AWG) 21 st AUGUST, 2014 Presenter: TAN AIM Project team.
Purpose of the Presentation and Sensitization Present the TAN AIM Map Validate the information, evaluate the results and discuss the gaps Discuss on improvements on the data collection and provide extra information Discuss on the Use Vales to be created within the map and outside the map. Discuss the hosting of the tool –capacity issues? Discuss sustainability and updating the tool- coordination
Outline of the Presentation 1. Background information and Genesis of the Project 2. Project Objective, Expectations and Approach 3. Structure and Key Features of the Tool 4
1. Background information and Genesis of the Project 5
Genesis of TAN-AIM: Chronology of Events March, 2012: Minister for Agriculture, Prof. Magembe and his delegation from MAFC invited to visit Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to discuss agricultural transformation program in TZ and best practices learned from agricultural delivery units established in other countries e.g Ethiopia During the discussion, BMGF presented their support in TZ in the agricultural sector MAFC felt that they were not aware of some of the support Minister requested BMGF to share the information with GOT 6
7 Genesis of TAN-AIM: Chronology of Events Cont… Minister also noted that GOT was also not informed of the other investments in agriculture in the country in terms of, who is who doing what, where in the sector, collaborators and funders. There is information gap and lack of good data base which limits coordination, sharing of experiences, challenge and successes in implementation, and developing synergies and collaborations in various interventions. BMGF agreed to support GOT to map and develop a data base of agricultural and livestock investments in TZ mainland. BMGF Contracted University of Dar es Salaam Business School to undertake the assignment
2. Project Objectives, Expectations and Approach 8
9 To improve the information flow of all agricultural investments and close the knowledge gap within the sector by understanding linkages between relevant stakeholders Main Objective of the Mapping
Specific Objectives 1. Collect comprehensive spatial data related to investments /activities/initiatives and partnership information related to investments in the agricultural and livestock sector and sub-sector value chain players in Tanzania. 2. Understand the key players and other stakeholders in the agricultural and livestock sector. 3. Understand the agricultural and livestock sector and sub- sector value chain players. 10
11 1.Who is investing in the agricultural sector? 2.What are the agricultural investments? 3.Where are the agricultural investments? 4.Who are the different partners and players on the ground? WHO, WHAT, WHERE, AND WITH WHOM Project Guiding Questions
Expectations from GOT on the Tool Close the information gap and Improve information sharing Develop linkages, partnerships, create synergies, and avoid overlaps/duplications Improve coordination and collaboration among stakeholders in the sector Enhance efficient and effective utilization of resources Support the initiative and provide the necessary information Support in capacity building for sustainability 12
Data Collection Approach Project Design – Proposal write up (Phased Approach) Literature Review and design of the Data collection tools Pilot Data Collection – Morogoro region Full data collection – secondary data Stakeholders engagement and validation Stakeholder sensitization 13
3. Structure and Key Features of the Tool 14
Structure and Key features of the Tool Investment buckets 1.Central Government 2.LGAs 3.Development Partners [AWG & PSD] 4.Private Sector (NSAs) 5.Other NSAs [NGOs, CBOs, Farmers’ Organizations, MFIs & Cooperatives] 15
16 Structure and Key features of the Tool Cont… Implementing Partners Local Partners/Collaborators Program Name Program ID Program Description Intervention Categories & Sub-Categories [see appendix]
Structure and Key features of the Tool Cont… Activities Activity/Project Status Location - Region, District, Ward Target Beneficiaries Type of Crops/Livestock supported Start and End Date of the investment Amount Invested in TZS (not all have provided) 17
Contextual/Cross-cutting Data/Layers to be Added Macro Data (e.g Population & demographics, agricultural production and area harvested) Infrastructure (e.g Access to market, roads network) Support Institutions, Organizations and Facilities (e.g Financial Access Points, Research and Development Institutes) Physical Facilities (e.g Agro dealers) 18
Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category 19
Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category] 21 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY: Fertilizer Seeds Agronomic practices (IPM) Feeds/ rangeland management Livestock husbandry Animal health/veterinary services Mechanization Fishery and Aquaculture
Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category] Cont… POST-HARVEST Processing Trade and marketing Commodity value chain 22
Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category] Cont… RESEARCH AND EXTENSION Research and Extension TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING Training and Capacity Building INFRASTRUCTURE Irrigation Transport 23
POLICY REFORMS Policy reforms AGRIC. SERVICES Agricultural credit Microfinance Cooperatives SAFETY NET Safety Net 24 Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category] Cont…
NUTRITION Nutrition NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Soil and water management Land tenure and property rights Climate change 25 Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category] Cont…
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS National food reserve Early warning Pestilence control (locust, armyworm, birds) etc Meteorology INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Agriculture information service Telecommunication 26 Taxonomies [Intervention category & Sub category] Cont…
27 Go to the Tool g.org/login.php
Proposed Overlays for Contextual and Cross cutting Data – For Improved Analysis and Use Value of the Map ADDITIONAL NOTES 28
1.Overlay level 1: Macro Data (partly available) 2.Overlay level 2: Infrastructure and Utilities (not available) 3.Overlay level 3: Support Institutions and Organizations (Only R & D available) 4.Overlay level 4: Human Resources (Not Available) 5.Overlay level 5: Physical Facilities (Not available) 29 CONTEXTUAL AND CROSS CUTTING DATA
Weather information Soil information (topologies) Population – Gender & Age Farm Land Grazing Land CONTEXTUAL AND CROSS CUTTING DATA Cont… OVER LAY LEVEL 1: MACRO DATA 30
CONTEXTUAL AND CROSS CUTTING DATA Cont… OVERLAY LEVEL 2: INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES Roads (trunk and feeder roads) Railways Airways Waterways Water points Energy Telecommunications –Connectivity ICT, TV, Radio, Telephone.(TCRA 31
CONTEXTUAL AND CROSS CUTTING DATA Cont… OVER LAY LEVEL 3: SUPPORT INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS Financial Institutions (Banks, and Micro Financial Institutions, SACCOS, Cooperatives) Agricultural Research and Development Institutions Agricultural Training Institutions Agro Dealers Warehouses 32
CONTEXTUAL AND CROSS CUTTING DATA Cont… OVERLAY LEVEL 4: HUMAN RESOURCES Extension Officers Irrigation Officers Veterinary Officers Agricultural Officers Livestock Officers Fisheries Officers Statisticians M & E officers Planning Officers MIS Officers 33
CONTEXTUAL AND CROSS CUTTING DATA Cont… OVERLAY LEVEL 5: PHYSICAL FACILITIES Power Tillers Tractors Agro Processing Mills Slaughter Houses Dip Facilities Hides and Skins Tanneries Abattoirs Diary Processing Plants Meat Processing Plants Animal Feeds Processing Plants 34