Traffic Analyst Console Visibility to Attendant Console Activity & Performance
Slide 2 High Performance Companies Require High Performance Voice Communications Maximizing the business value of dollars invested and spent on network resources Maintaining superior service levels while controlling network costs Knowing where and how much network load is changing Being alert to improper, fraudulent or careless use of the network Assuring a company operator is available when needed Being prepared for migration to next generation technologies Traffic Analyst Managing voice communications to a high level is a multi-faceted challenge…
Slide 3 Flexibility to Tailor a Solution Console Monitor workload and performance of console operators and console operator groups Staff allocation Network Monitor workload and performance of trunks, trunk groups and IP gateways TDM and VoIP modeling Call Detail Network usage tracking and reporting Scalable and affordable OnTraQ Track call center service levels, queues and agent activity Call center dashboard and customer-centric metrics Traffic Analyst Modules
Slide 4 Determining Hourly Staffing Levels Optimizing Number of Consoles in Service Site Expansion and Consolidation Extensive Use of Operators Traffic Analyst Operator Console Challenges Console Requirements Complaints from High Demand Callers Tracking Queue Times and Occupancy Fraud and Abuse Visibility into Usage Evaluating Staff Performance Personal Call Abuse Operator Productivity Operator Availability
Slide 5 Visibility into Service Levels Percent occupancy Blocked calls Abandoned calls Reliability with All the Data, All the Time Usage profiles and trending by console and console group Identify fraudulent activity Track business and personal calls What-If Modeling Adjust for growth in call volume and length User selectable engineering model Service level Rich Inventory of Reports Traffic Analyst Operator Console Console Requirements Personal Call Abuse Operator Productivity Operator Availability
Slide 6 Activity Summary Average Call Length Profile Call Profile Time Utilization Time Utilization & Service Levels On-demand via web browser Scheduled to: Printer File Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly Console Group Console Group Usage Profile Capacity Required Profile Traffic Analyst Operator Console On-Demand Via Web Browser Activity ACL Profile Call Profile Time Utilization Usage “What-If” Operator Consoles Console Groups What-if Modeling
Slide 7 Traffic Analyst Environment Traffic Analyst Server/ Workstation Traffic Analyst Communicates with One or Many PBXs Traffic Analyst Administrator Client Workstation(s) optional Traffic Analyst Web Server optional Traffic Analyst Web Browser optional Most Users Will Use a Web Browser to Access Traffic Analyst Serial Connection Options Direct Dial Up Terminal Server T/S Siemens ROLM T/S HiPath Mgr RSM 5000 Nortel T/S OTM
Slide 8 Know service levels Reduce complaints about operator availability Manage operator productivity Optimize investment in operator consoles Single view across: Siemens platforms (AC-4, AC-WIN, Attendant Console) Multiple switch manufacturers (Siemens, Nortel) Traffic Analyst Why You Will Love It Console Requirements Personal Call Abuse Operator Productivity Operator Availability
Thank You!
Slide 10 Traffic Analyst Reports: Activity Summary Operator Consoles & Console Groups Call Counts Call Lengths % Occupancy Blockage Back
Slide 11 Traffic Analyst Reports: Average Call Length Profile Operator Consoles & Console Groups Console Calls External Internal Recalls Redirects Personal Calls Back
Slide 12 Traffic Analyst Reports: Call Profile Console Groups Console Calls External Internal Recalls Redirects Abandoned Personal Calls Back
Slide 13 Traffic Analyst Reports: Time Utilization Time Allocation Console Personal Idle Percent of Total Operator Consoles & Console Groups Back
Slide 14 Traffic Analyst Reports: Time Utilization & Service Levels Console Groups Time Allocation Available By Call Type Night Key % Occupancy % Abandoned Back
Slide 15 Traffic Analyst Reports: Usage Profile Console Groups Inbound Outbound Total Back
Slide 16 Traffic Analyst Reports: Capacity Profile Console Groups Required Consoles Current Capacity Current Capacity Line Back
Slide 17 Erlang CErlang BExtended Erlang BErlang EngsetPoissonMMCK Traffic Analyst Reports: What-If Modeling Console Groups Definitive, easy to understand service metric Dates Engineering Model Service Level Call Volume Call Length Back