2 Session Introduction qSession Objective vDetermine IFAST Scope, Organization, and Work Method vDetermine Issues to be Studied/Resolved by IFAST vDetermine Permanent Funding Method for IFAST qIFAST Functional and Organizational Evolution vInitially formed to resolve Number Ambiguity issue –Developed IRMs –IFAST work dominated by IRM application resolution vTransferred IFAST Administration to Management Team vExpanded scope of study to all International Roaming Issues vLimited membership participation in Issue Resolution vTransition of Secretariat function vLast opportunity to revitalize IFAST
3 Meeting Objectives qLandmark Meeting vSecretariat Transition from CTIA to TIA vFuture of IFAST Determination –Is there a role for IFAST? If YES, what is its Scope? –How should it be organized? –What should be its Work Methods? –What Issues should it study and resolve? –How should it be funded in a stable manner? qUpdate of IFAST and related activities
4 Future of IFAST IFAST13 Meeting March 2, New Orleans Presentation by: Fred Gaechter Chairman, IFAST
5 IFAST Scope, Organization, and Work Method Scope Facilitate the identification and resolution of issues to enable the international interoperability of systems using the ANSI-41 family of standards resulting in the steady migration toward seamless service.
6 IFAST Scope, Organization, and Work Method Organization qNo formal sponsorship qOpen and voluntary forum qParticipation: wireless service providers, equipment vendors, and associations that provide services or systems, implementing the ANSI-41 family of standards. qNo formal membership or membership requirements qManagement Team: Chairperson, Co-conveners, Secretariat, IRM Administrator - no formal election process (also Issue Managers)
7 IFAST Scope, Organization, and Work Method Work Method qFull Forum with Working Groups qWork is contribution-driven qThree full Forum meetings per year with Working Groups by correspondence qResolution is by consensus, as declared by the Chairperson qThree categories of issue resolution Output vTechnical Recommendation vTechnical Advisory vResolution qNo authority to direct Recommendation, Advisory, or Resolution implementation or adherence - implemented voluntarily by wireless industry qFormal IRM administration process
8 IFAST Issues for Study and Resolution qIssues identified for Study and Resolution vIRM Administration and Management and Conflict Resolution - - IRM Administrator vSID Range Administration and Conflict Resolution -- IRM Administrator vInternational TLDN, Bernardo vIMSI Implementation, Lloyd vBackward Compatibility, e.g., IMSI-related, (PN-4197, IS-807) interoperability, Lloyd vMIN-based IMSI versus True IMSI, IMSI migration, Lloyd vUniform Dialing Plan, general, Fred –Emergency Number Dialing, e.g., 911 vs 190 by roamer, survey required vSupport of Supplementary Services, Ken vWIN-based services, Ken
9 IFAST Issues for Study and Resolution qIssues identified for Study and Resolution vFraud when Roaming Internationally, Allen vBilling related to International Roaming, Jamie vSS7 Routing Data, Ken – use of ANSI point codes, internationally vSMS, Ken vANSI to ITU SS7 Gateway Issues, Ken vOperational Issues, e.g, Gateways, Ken vOptimal Routing, David vCentralized informational repository, templates for data, Fred vFuture Feature Code Standardization, Fred vANI compatibility, Bernardo vRoaming Agreement Modeling, Oscar vInter-standard Roaming, Windy Zou
10 IFAST Funding qCurrent Funding: NONE qFunding To Date vCost Recovery for meetings vVoluntary Annual Contributions - dried-up qOngoing Stable Funding Requirements vSecretariat Functions and Expenses vActive Chairperson vActive Co-Convenors vIRM/SID Administrative System and Function vInformational and Active Web Site vLogistical Support for Meetings
11 IFAST Funding qAlternatives vMembership Fees vMeeting Attendance Fees vMember Contributions vIRM Application Fees vIRM Annual Fees qRecommendation vLong-Term Method: Membership Fees vShort-Term Method: Multiple –Meeting Attendance Fees –IRM Applications Fees –IRM Annual Fees