FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA N. Keita, FAO/ESS PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1.Introduction 2.Training sessions and exchanges of experiences 3.On the job training through field projects 4.Preparation and dissemination of reference technical handbooks 5.Frame work for country data integration, access and dissemination (CountrySTAT)
FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA 1Introduction Direct assistance to Member Nations and assistance through the field programme are important components of the FAO Statistics Division’s mission (see ). Capacity building programme is primarily designed to contribute to strengthening national systems of agricultural statistics for producing better quality data. in support of national policies and as an input to FAO global database.
FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA 2.Capacity building through training and exchanges of experiences Statutory commissions and conferences AFCAS (South Africa 2001, Cameroon, 2003, Mozambique 2005, Algeria, November 2007) Technical workshops organized back-toback with AFCAS in partnership with other Institutions (World Bank, Paris21, French Cooperation) Experts consultations (root crop statistics, horticulture and fruit crops, crop forecasting …)
FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA 2.Capacity building through training and exchanges of experiences Technical Seminars, workshops, round table meetings : Round table meeting on World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010 for francophone countries: Mali, March 2006 (in collaboration with AFRISTAT). Planned : Round table on WCA 2010 for English speaking countries Regional Workshops on Food Balance Sheets Demonstration centers on packages and methodology for estimation of the number of undernourished population and other Food insecurity indicators with data from Household surveys Workshops on Agriculture trade statistics (trade flow, trade matrix..) CountrySTAT trainings for better data dissemination
FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA 3.On the job training through field projects The procedures for assistance projects from FAO are funded ( ): With FAO ‘s own funds : Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) With trust funds Capacity building activities are important components of field projects. Activities are conducted on one of the following forms: On-the job training: by Experts and consultants, including south- south consultants Study tours are also usually included in projects (particularly in Agricultural Census projects) Participation of national staff to short term specialised training sessions (ENSEA, Abidjan, Agrhymet, Nyamey etc..)
FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA 4.Preparation and dissemination of reference technical handbooks World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010 Agricultural Survey Methodology Concepts, definitions and classifications in agricultural statistics Supply/Utilisation Accounts and Food balance Sheets With FAO ‘s own funds : Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Statistical methods for crop forecasting
FAO STATISTICS DIVISION’s CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN AFRICA 5.CountrySTAT: a framework for integration and dissemination of national food and agricultural statistics Use of harmonised concepts, definitions, classifications One-stop center for accessing national food and agriculture statistics Shared responsibility for up-dating of the data base Modern dissemination package (PC-AXIS) Discussions with ADP for collaboration with WB/IHSN Toolkit and use of SDMX as data exchange protocole Outreach programme includes: Regional administrator training National stakeholders trainings