UTA RIMUTA RIM Compliance and Common Sense Compliance: Texas requires all state agencies, city and county governments, school districts, and other government entities to implement and maintain records management programs and appoint records management officers in order to promote more efficient use of public funds, protect confidential information, and provide better access to public information UT Arlington is considered a state agency and is required to have a RIM program and records management officer
UTA RIMUTA RIM Reduced legal liability More efficient use of office space More efficient use of employee time More complete and accurate planning and decision-making
UTA RIMUTA RIM The Vice President for Business Affairs and Controller has been appointed the records management officer (RMO) for UT Arlington by President Spaniolo The Records Management Administrator (RMA) and other records management staff in the Net Solutions department maintain daily operations of the program and provide assistance as needed to all departments Records management contacts (RMCs) appointed in all departments will receive training, information, and assistance
UTA RIMUTA RIM Official records include: all written, photographic, machine-readable, or other recorded information, including , created or received by or on behalf of the University that documents activities in the conduct of business or use of public resources. Official records do not include: library or museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes extra copies (duplicates) for short-term use stocks of publications or blank forms certain documents associated with dispute resolution
UTA RIMUTA RIM Disposal of recordsElectronic records Preservation of archival recordsMaintenance of vital records Protection of confidential recordsAccess to public records Records retentionMicrofilmed records UT Arlington’s Fiscal Procedure 13-5, Records and Information Management, is based on these rules and procedures
UTA RIMUTA RIM (RMCs and Additional Designated Staff) Receive information and training, and provide information related to: Retention of departmental records according to the current posted records retention schedule Disposition of records that have met retention requirements using appropriate methods Maintenance of vital records plans for departmental records as needed for disaster recovery Notification to UT Arlington Library's Special Collections Division regarding availability of archival records Provision of retention schedule changes for departmental records to the RMA Maintenance of records on microform and electronic media in accordance with the administrative rules of the Texas State Library Choice of media for active and inactive records maintenance
UTA RIMUTA RIM What comes first? Records Disposition - Questions to ask …. Record copy or duplicate? Retention requirements? Confidential information? Shred in-house, or transfer to Asset Management? Vital records? Litigation hold or other hold in progress? Transfer to Library Special Collections for archival preservation? Recordkeeping!!
UTA RIMUTA RIM What comes second? File Plans: departmental maps to our information, where it is, how long we keep it, what we do with it Record copy or duplicate All media –paper, electronic, microfilm Retention requirements Confidential information Toss, shred in-house, transfer to Asset Management Vital records Litigation hold or other hold in progress Archival records Locator codes
UTA RIMUTA RIM The Texas State Records Retention Schedule provides information for records held by most state agencies This retention schedule indicates the legal minimum length of time that some records series must be retained by a state agency before the records can be destroyed or transferred for archival preservation (these minimums cannot be changed) We add records to the schedule as needed In addition to the common records listed in the State schedule, each agency has additional records series that must be identified and added to its retention schedule Schedules and amendments must be approved by Texas State Library and Archives Commission before records can be destroyed The RMO must submit a current records retention schedule to the State and Local Records Management Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Government Code, § ) every three years for recertification. Between recertifications, amendments can be submitted by the RMO for approval
UTA RIMUTA RIM Current Schedule: Incomplete State retention requirements altered Invalid department names and state codes Notations are needed for clarification New Schedule: New and improved formats for the retention schedule are now being developed, contents are being reviewed
UTA RIMUTA RIM New Fiscal Procedure 13-5, Records and Information Management provides new procedures and forms and reference links, and new RIM website with links to current certified retention schedule is now available at RMC Training will be provided by Records Management staff RIM program information will be incorporated into HR New Employee Orientation, Compliance Training, and the Management Leadership Tool. Assistance is available now: contact Karen Phillips or David Prestianni at extension attention Karen Phillips or David Prestianni