An Internet Voting System Manager Yonghua Li Kansas State University October 19, 2001 MSE Project - Phase I
Give my thanks to: Dr. Maria Zamfir-Bleyberg Dr. William Hsu Dr. David Gustafson
Presentation Overview Project Overview Project Requirements Object Model Cost Estimation Project Plan Review
Project Overview Problems with current paper process? Integrity & Fairness Validating ballot Pregnant ballot Positioning candidate name in ballot
Project Overview (Cont’d) Issues in Designing Internet Voting System (IVS) Authentication of voters Privacy Equity Security
Current Researches on IVS Approaches to meeting the security, secrecy, scalability, and convenience requirements of elections; Development of methods to reduce the risk of insider fraud; Development of reliable poll site and kiosk Internet voting systems that are not vulnerable to any single point of failure and cannot lose votes;
Current Researches on IVS (cont’d) Development of new procedures for continuous testing and certification of election systems; Protocols for preventing vote selling and reducing coercion; Electronic authentication for kiosk and remote voting system;
Current Researches on IVS (cont’d) Human factors design for electronic voting; Effects of Internet voting on participation in elections; Implications of Internet voting for political campaigns; Experimentation, modeling, and simulation of election systems.
Goals To design a manager for an internet voting system where voters can cast ballots through internet; To experiment, model, and simulate some approaches on internet election voting system;
Components Emphasis on two components IVS manager (IVSM) (sever side) Voter (client side) Integration with other components, e.g., database
IVSM Sketch Query Processing Database Connection Manager Query Processing Server Client IVSM
Object Model of IVSM Component Administrator IVS Manage Cache Manager Ballot Server Query ProcessingConnection Manager Connection
Object Model of Client Component Client ConnectionBallot
Basic Functions of IVSM Administrator login setup login id – administrator’s ID; password – administrator’s password; Database setup Candidate list database; Voter database; Voting period setup Start time; Stop time;
Basic Functions of IVSM (Cont’d) Server initializing; Ballot counting – doing statistics on the voting ballots.
User Diagram of IVSM Component login IVSM set up id & passwd setup database Setup voting period initialize pool run server administrator show voting result
Basic Functions of the Server Idling – waiting for visit; Querying – getting ballots for the requested election title from the database; Caching – storing data and making them available to querying; Uploading – sending required blank ballots to client.
User Diagram of Server idle query cache IVSM upload server
Basic Functions of Client Login providing voter ID and password; downloading a blank ballot; Voting – casting the ballot.
User Diagram of Client
Cost Estimation – Function Point
Cost Estimation - COCOMO
Project Plan Phase 1: Requirements August 16, 01 - October 15, 01 Overview, Cost Estimation, Project Plan, SRS Phase 2: Design October 16, 01 – November 14, 01 Formal Requirements, SQA, Test Plan, Design, Formal Technical Inspection Phase 3: Implementation November 15, 01 - December 14, 01 Coding, Testing, Testing/Reliability Evaluation, Users Manual, Project Evaluation
Gantt Chart
Summary Project Overview Project Requirements Object Model Cost Estimation Project Plan URL: