MIS Data Conference Office of Reporting EDFacts Federal Reporting SY
Office of Reporting handles the following areas: Federal Reporting Public Records Requests, Memorandums Of Understanding(MOU) Publishing the Annual Reports The streamlining of the data going out of MS Department of Education Enforcement and training on FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) guidelines Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Process Law Public Records Request/MDE Request MOU-(Memorandum of Understanding) Request- involves Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
A request for data: –To obtain information from the Mississippi Department of Education, complete the form and it to or fax it to Please mail in the original, signed copy and allow at least seven business days for completion of the request. –When someone from a district or school makes a request, the request must come from the Superintendent. – This will be verified. Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
The Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983, Section (2013), by definition includes all books, records, papers, accounts, letters, maps, photographs, films, cards, tapes, recordings or reproductions maintained by any public body for the use of business, transaction, work, duty or function. This definition includes records that already exist for the use of the Department of Education. Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
However, the Act does not contemplate the creation of a new document or a new record that does not already exist for the benefit of the requestor. In these instances, a denial letter will be given to the requester. When MDE staff or school districts receive request for data that involves student’s personally identifiable information, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) must be signed and approved by the Legal Department and the Executives of programs offices are involved. Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Children First Act – November 1 state board policy 2051 Each year, each local school district shall be required to publish an annual report as prescribed and produced by the State Board of Education. This report shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the county and posted on the school district’s website in a printable format.- The Report will be generated by MDE and sent to districts for review. Superintendent Annual Report – January Literacy Based Promotion Act (Students progress and Performance) – Starting SY Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Data Quality is everyone’s responsibility Accurate data is necessary to meet the requirements of federal, state, and district policies and regulations Procedures should be in place to work collaboratively with those responsible for data entry and collection Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Examples of unclean data Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting Examples of unclean data
Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting Examples of unclean data
SIG CTE EDFacts Civil Rights Data Collection eScholar Project Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
School Improvement Grants (SIG) Chris Norwood Career and Technical Education (CTE) Sandra Crowley EDFacts / CCD State Coordinator M. Francie Gilmore-Dunn Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education initiative to put performance at the center of policy, management, and budget decisions for all K-12 education programs. It is a multidimensional data system that includes: –An electronic submission system that receives data from States, districts, and schools; –Analytical tools for analysis of submitted data; and –Reporting tools for Department staff and data submitters to ensure use of those data. Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
School/LEA Data is reviewed by USDE, Report back to State for Quality Mississippi Department of Education (SEA) Data retrieved through MSIS- CDW/eScholar US Department Of Education (USDE) Data submitted through EDEN to EDFacts Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
DANSCARNCLB CCDSIGCSPR Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
The CCD system collects data annually from state education agencies about student enrollments, graduation Dropouts Education staff School and agency characteristics Revenues and expenditures for public elementary and secondary education Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
DANS is a repository for all the data mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to be collected from states annually. This data includes the number of infants and toddlers being served under Part C of IDEA and the settings in which they receive program services, as well as their transition out of Part C. States also report early intervention services provided to this population and the personnel who are providing services. For Part B, states report the number of children and students who are being served, the educational environments in which they receive education, disciplinary actions that affect them, their exiting from the program and personnel providing educational services to them. Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Report Students who: 1.) Reached the state-defined threshold level for vocational education participation (i.e., CTE concentrators) regardless of whether the program was funded by Perkins an 2.) Left secondary education during the school year either because they graduated or because they left school Report all students who meet the stated criteria that were enrolled in a CTE program in all institutions during the reporting year, regardless of whether those institutions received Perkins funding. Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Collects data required under section 1111 of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which mandates the requirements for the Secretary’s report to Congress and information necessary for the Secretary’s report on the Department’s Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) indicators. TITLE 1 TITLE STUDENTS INDICATORS MIGRANTS (MSIX) LEP- Limited English Proficient HOMELESS NEGLECTED / DELINQUENT Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Tier I and Tier II Schools that implemented the Restart, Transformation, or Turnaround School Intervention Models and were served with SIG funds. ASSESSMENT DATA TESTING RESULTS -IN all areas -Academic Achievement in Mathematics, Reading, Science -Assessment Participation -LEP( Limited English Proficiency) Results Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
The Civil Rights Data Collection in the U.S. Department of Education (previously the Elementary and Secondary Survey) is used by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) to obtain data from the elementary and secondary schools. This data collection provides information about student access to elementary and secondary schools and to programs of services within those schools. This data is "disaggregated" or broken out, by factors including race / ethnicity (7 areas), gender, and disability. Data goes directly from the School Districts to USDE! Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Mandatory Reporting / All Schools Open Comment Period, August 20, 2013 SY and SY Fall 2013 – Notify School Districts Fall 2013 – Early Summer 2014/LEA gather data elements. Pre-coll Toll avail Fall 2014 – Survey Submission Window Opens Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Office Special Education- Dec. 1 Counts Office of Federal Programs - CSPR Office Safe and Orderly Schools- Discipline Career and Technical Education - Concentrators Office of Child Nutrition- Free, Reduced, Paid Lunch Office of Student Assessment – Testing Results Office of Management Information Systems – MSIS - eScholar Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Questions Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Office of Reporting Quentin Ransburg – Director of Reporting Francie Gilmore-Dunn Christopher Haynes Shelia Miller Vickie Parker Arlean Harris Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting
Thank you Summer 2013Office of Accountability/Office of Reporting