Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Gender Equity in Agriculture Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP- LMD)Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Gender Equity in Agriculture Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP- LMD)Project

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development USAID-Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) Project is a five-year project implemented as part of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative. The implementer of the Project is CNFA with 13 local and international partners. The project started on Sep

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development The AGP-LMD project addresses USAID's Strategic Objective of improving smallholder incomes and nutritional status through the achievement of three key USAID intermediate results. IR1: Increase productivity and competitiveness of selected livestock value chains. IR2: Improve the enabling environment for livestock value chains. IR3: Improve the quality and diversity of household diet through intake of livestock products.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Integrated into these components are the cross-cutting objectives of engaging people living with HIV/AIDS, gender equity, promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions, environmental mitigation, and natural resource management.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development AGP-LMD is working on Dairy and Meat and Live animal. Key themes for driving the AGP-LMD Project approach include: Market development Increased productivity and efficiency throughout the livestock value chain Private sector focus and investment Smallholder impact Gender mainstreaming Environmental conservation ICT

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development AGP-LMD approach for gender equity is based on the findings of gender analysis during inception period. The findings were women are mostly engaged in animal production activities. They have limited participation in livestock marketing. Limited access, control and benefits of resources. To address the issue LMD designed: A. Mainstreaming gender in all value chain activities; B. Women’s empowerment.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development What are the Activities: Give Gender mainstreaming training to V/C Managers, other staff and IPs to make them aware on gender issues. To make sure in all activates at least 30% women representation is there. To cancel the beneficiary training, if the representation of women is less than 30%; Conduct trainings closer to participants wereda taking into consideration the mobility problem of women; Give child care service during the training; Opening up opportunities for women to work on what are traditionally male’s;

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Identify and promote women friendly technologies in the livestock V/C; Link value chin actors to market through provision of Business to Business meetings; Promote role modeling of women in livestock V/C business; Make extra effort to link women entrepreneurs to finance, and support them in collateral; Give training to both husband and wives; Build their capacity in the area of business management, gender awareness and leadership including on nutrition and HIV/AIDS.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Strengths No compromise on female representation; Give training to husband wives together; Bring the training closer to participants; Give child care service during training; Coach and support women entrepreneurs; Promote role modeling of women; Provide grant on competitive base and specific to women with less matching fund; Give training to women in non traditional areas for women eg CAHWs.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Limitations  Not having good strategy to include poor women;  Not many women at managerial level;  Exclusion of non AGP woredas;

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Opportunities Country’s high potential in Livestock production; Government interest on the project and willingness to contribute; Emergence of commercial dairy farms and increasing meat export; The existence of women entrepreneurs association; The existence of NGOs working on livestock; Availability of experience sharing program within and outside the country; Promotion of B to B to promote value chain and networking among business.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development Challenges Patriarchy culture; Religious practice; Lack of livestock market infrastructure; Achieving 30% of women representation in TOT training is a challenge; Lack of equal access to resources; Lack of safety for women to travel.

Agricultural Growth Program- Livestock Market Development