None today Pull out your “Swan Lake” notes. Take a minute to finish the back questions if you haven’t yet. We are going to discuss these questions and then turn this in for a classwork grade! I will be calling on random people to share so be prepared!
Pull out the your worksheets from Friday…
1. The dancers are dancing “en pointe.” In your opinion, does it make the dancers appear weightless? How so?
2. Knowing the story, does this ballet portray Act IV? How do you see the story happening? Give at least 3 examples.
3. Describe the various costumes you see (girls, Prince Seigfried, Von Rothbart.) How do they help tell the story?
4. Did you enjoy what you saw? Would you buy tickets to Swan Lake? Why or why not? This one I won’t make you share – but answer HONESTLY on your paper. Turn these papers into the box for credit. I will pass them back in a few days and they will go back into your binder.
Romantic style had an emotional appeal (similar to music, opera, and ballet) Romantic compositions moved toward fragmentation of images With the intention of dramatizing, personalizing, and escaping into imagination Painting strove to get away from formal content and move towards the expressive
We’ll look at the work of several artists to demonstrate the emotional themes and individuality You will NOT need to name these paintings on the quiz or test You will want to remember these names… And (remember you WILL have music recognition)
Spanish Used his paintings to attack the abuses perpetrated by governments, both the Spanish and the French His highly imaginative and often nightmarish works capture the emotional character of humanity and nature
Tells a true story On May 3 rd, the citizens of Madrid rebelled against the invading army of Napoleon People were arbitrarily arrested and executed by the masses
What/ who is the focal point?
It is impossible to escape the focal point of the story – the man in white about to die His strong value contrasts force the eye back to the victim The lantern behind the soldiers keeps the work in balance
Goya leads us beyond the death of individuals here The figures are not naturalistically depicted people Instead, Goya makes a powerful social and emotional statement
The soldiers’ faces are hidden and their rigid, repeated forms create a frightening line of suffering The murky quality of the background strengthens the value contrasts and charges the emotional drama
Color areas have hard edges A stark line of light running from the oversized lantern to the lower border separates the executioners and victims
What Romantic characteristics are seen?
Visualizes a passage in James Thomson’s poem “The Seasons” which describes how sharks follow a slave ship in a storm “lured by the scent of steaming crowds of rank disease and death.”
Elements of Romantic Painting: Fragmented by disjointed diagonals The brushstrokes are energetic and spontaneous The sea and sky appear transparent Expression dominates form and content – a sense of doom prevails
Employed color, light, and shade to capture the climactic moments of high emotion
Shows the allegorical figure of Liberty bearing the tricolor flag of France and leading the charge of a freedom loving people
Which characteristics of Romantic art are evident here?
Lights and darks provide strong and dramatic contrasts The red, white, and blue, used around the work unify the scene
“Romantic naturalism” First to execute finished paintings outdoors rather than in a studio He wanted to create the full luminosity of nature and to capture the natural effect of visual perception Visual perception: how the eye focuses on detail and how peripheral vision works
How is there visual perception?
Strives to achieve a true-to-life visual effect by reducing the graphic clarity of all details except those of the central objects (which are presented very clearly) Just as our eyes perceive clearly only those objects on which we are focused
BAROQUE Chiaroscuro is DIFFERENT from Fragmentation Chairoscuro is a strip of bright light (high values) Fragmentation is having one side of the painting high in contrast from the other CLASSICAL Both Romantic and Classical aren’t overly detailed Classical is POSITIVE (Utopia – graceful) Romantic is NEGATIVE (harsh – doom)
Test Friday – let’s make sure you remember these musical examples… 8 Music Examples, Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank (with a word bank), and just 2-3 short answer questions
Groups of 2-3 You will be handed an artwork and a worksheet As a group, determine if the artwork is from the Romantic Period Fill out the worksheet as you go (will be turned in for a grade.) We will go over the worksheet before you begin You will get started today and finish tomorrow. Get the worksheet done today – tomorrow you will briefly present your findings to the class