ART: FROM THE 1800s TO THE 1900s
The ‘–ism’s Neo-classism Romanticism Realism Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Another type of art: Pre-Raphalite
Artistic Movement Artist Neo-classism (1750-1820) Imitation or primarily use of Greek and Roman classical art style and aesthetics Jean-Auguste Ingres Francisco de Goya Theodor Gericault Eugene Delacroix Romanticism (1800-1850) Highly imaginative Emotionally intense Dreamlike or visionary Edmund Bruque John Constable Joseph Turner Realism(1845-1900) Attempt to represent figures and objects exactly as they appear in real life Jean-Francois Millet Gustave Coubert Honore Daumier Impressionism & Post-impressionism (late 19th century) Tried to depict what they saw, rather than mimic actual life Claude Monet Georges Seurat Paul Cezanne Vincent van Gogh Pre-Raphalite (1850-1900) Religious works inspired by Medieval and early Renaissance painters Dante Gabriel Rossetti William Holman Hunt
A romantic view of the English country side John Constable
The White Horse-John Constable
The Fighting Temeraire-Joseph Turner
Angelus-Jean-Francois Millet Rural and working class people
The Gleaners-Jean-Francois Millet
The Third Class Carriage-Honore Daumier
Impressionism and post-impressionism
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte- Georges Seurat
Country side-Paul Cezanne
Stary Night Over the Rhone-Vincent Van Gogh
For your culminating
MIX IT UP! Use different paintings to make one Take the background of one Take the people of another Take the theme of another Take the colours of another MIX IT UP!