+ agr color Educate Nourish Empower
+ Why Bolivia? Poverty Food Crisis Malnourishment Why Amaranth? Locally Available Nutrients and Vitamins Adaptability
+ Project Implementation Cochabamba
+ Services Offered Agricultural Training Cultural and Historical Value Nutritional Value Cooking Demo Workshop, Seeds and Project Supervision Cookbook with British chef Jamie Oliver and Bolivian chef Oscar Mora Amaranth Festival: Last week of September
+ Marketing Strategy United States Organic Supermarkets Social Media Agricolor Website Bolivia Amaranth Festival Amaranth Cooking Classes Cookbook
+ The Syracuse Office will be constituted by 3 members: CEO, CIO, CFO In Bolivia there will be 7 staff members: a program director, an assistant to the PD, a legal counsel, an agricultural director and 3 community leaders Operations
+ The primary objective of the organization is to be efficient and cost-effective: all the staff members will have different tasks and responsibilities they will constantly cooperate and report to each other technology and new media will be used as a means to communicate with no additional expenses
+ Organizational Structure CEO, CIO,CFO Agricultural Director; 3 Community Leaders Program Director Assistant to the PD Legal Counsel
+ Funding International Financial Institutions United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF) Other Sources of Funding Partner Government Grants Private Partnerships/Corporate Donations Individual Gifts Anticipated Revenue: $815,000.00
+ Budget Personnel Costs: $419, Program Expenses: $190, Net Balance: +$206, (Overhead Capital)
+ “The root of the problem of hunger and malnutrition is not lack of food but lack of access to available food due to poverty.” - Center for Economic and Social Rights