Making an eReport to the Child Protection Helpline
2 Contents of this Training Package This Package is divided into 5 major sections: 1.Registering for the DoCS Connect Portal, 2.Accessing the DoCS Connect Portal, 3.Maintaining your records within the DoCS Connect Portal, 4.Making an eReport, and 5.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) and User Help
3 Section 1 Registering for the DoCS Connect Portal
4 Registering for User Access for the DoCS Connect Portal: Registration Process –Each eReport User needs to register by faxing or ing a ‘User Access’ registration form to the KiDS System Admin Desk. –Registration processing has a turnaround of 24 hours (depending on volume of registrations). –Each User will get a unique 8 digit User Number and password via .
5 Section 2 Accessing the DoCS Connect Portal
6 Accessing the DoCS Connect Portal: There are two ways to access the DoCS Connect Portal: 1.The Portal can be accessed via the CS Website: 2.The Portal can also be accessed via the Mandatory Reporter Guide when eReporting is recommended.
7 Accessing the DoCS Connect Portal via the CS website:
8 Accessing the Portal via the Mandatory Reporter’s Guide:
9 Accessing via the Mandatory Reporter Guide or the Community Services website will take you directly to the DoCS Connect Portal login page:
10 Log in to the DoCS Connect Portal using your ID and password:
11 Verify your ID with a security question answer: (You set this up when you are a Registered User.)
12 Terms and Conditions of Entry into the Portal (Accept/Decline):
13 Section 3 Maintaining your records within the DoCS Connect Portal
14 Your eReporting Home Page:
15 Section 4 Making an eReport to the Child Protection Helpline
16 Your eReport Status Page:
17 Confirm that an eReport is appropriate for this Child Protection report. eReports are for non-imminent ROSH only.
18 Page 1 of the eReport – Your details and Primary concerns for a child/ren or young person/s:
19 Page 2 of the eReport – Details about the child/ren or young person/s:
20 Page 3 of the eReport – Parents/carers/siblings information page
21 Page 4 of the eReport – Issues of concern
22 Send to CS
23 Ensure you have filled in all areas of the eReport form: a pop-up will appear if no detail is entered.
24 You will be prompted to review the report, and reminded that once sent the eReport cannot be changed. Then click [OK] to send to CS.
25 Immediate receipt of a CS Reference number:
26 The CS Reference number is also shown next to any sent/saved and sent/archived eReports:
27 At any point of entering your eReport you can save it.
28 Saved reports can be viewed in your eReport Status page as ‘Saved Not Sent’ for up to 7 days.
29 Section 5 FAQ’s and User Help
30 Frequently Asked Questions This section highlights a few FAQ’s. Many more FAQ’s and answers for eReporters can be found at: lpline_ereporting_faqs.html
31 DoCS Connect Help and FAQ’s
32 Frequently Asked Questions: Question: Do I need to phone the Helpline as well as send an eReport? Answer: No, sending the eReport removes the need for you to phone the Helpline. Question: What if there are multiple unrelated children involved in the one incident, can I include all of these in the one eReport? Answer: No, eReports are only suitable for a sibling group. Rather than making multiple eReports we suggest you ring the DoCS Helpline for a report of this nature.
33 Frequently Asked Questions Question: How will I know my eReport has been received? Answer: When you send the eReport do not close the Internet browser because a copy of the sent eReport along with a DoCS Reference Number will display. Question: What do I do if I obtain further information about an eReport I have made? Answer: When you send a Helpline eReport to DoCS it becomes read-only. Any additional information after this point has to be phoned through to the DoCS Helpline.
34 Frequently Asked Questions Question: My account has been deactivated. Answer: Accounts are deactivated for a number of reasons. If you believe your account should be reactivated, please contact the DoCS Connect Service Desk for Question: Can I have two eForms open at the same time? Answer: No, you can only have one eForm open at a time. If you enter information in a new eForm and then open a second eForm you will lose the information entered on the first eForm. To avoid losing information, save the first eForm in DoCS Connect before you open the second eForm.
35 Assistance for Users: Technical assistance is available to eReporters Service desk operates Monday to Friday (except public holidays) from 7am to 7pm on (or fax ). Outside business hours the Helpdesk can be contacted by and will respond via telephone or as appropriate. Hover-over help Fact sheets FAQ’s
36 Thankyou for participating