Scanning of student documents Records and Archives Services Branch Student records training
Electronic Student Records – Monash University Student records became electronic on 1 January 2009 for Australian campuses and in 2012 for Monash University Malaysia; Digitised or scanned documents make up a large percentage of the documents registered in HP TRIM; Quality checks are conducted on scanned hardcopy documents by Records staff, prior to their disposal; The checks are mandatory as the university is a public body and we must manage our records in accordance with Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV) standards and guidelines – and quality checking is a requirement of these standards and guidelines. 2012
PROV standard on digitisation of records The original source record (paper) that is converted to an electronic student document and becomes the official university record is destroyed by the Records and Archives Services Branch only after a number of criteria have been met. The converted record is a full and accurate copy of the original record; The converted record is managed by a recordkeeping system that meets all the requirements of PROV; That the risks to the university incurred in the converting of the source record are minimal. Note: This standard does not apply to ‘born digital’ records; that is records that were originally created in a digital format and are retained in that format. For example – Word documents and emails. 2012
Full and accurate copy This means that the content of the record must be fully and accurately copied. Fully means All pages including front and back, loose notes, notations on a document, any post-it notes, registered mail dockets, etc are all captured. Accurately means Ensuring that the content sufficiently accurately reflects the source record. In digitisation lack of accuracy can be the result of poor scanning – out of focus images and poor contrast control which can result in black blobs on a page. 2012
Quality checks conducted by Records Staff in Student files All boxes of scanned documents received in Student files Clayton are checked by the Records staff for quality of scanning, i.e to check that they are a full and accurate record; If there are issues with the scanning quality, the document or pages belonging to the document will be re-scanned; Only Records staff are authorised to remove documents and replace them with an improved copy;
Scanning recommendations Minimum requirements for the scanning of student documents: 200 dpi and black and white – for clean, high contrast documents with text or graphics for which colour is not present or there are no photographs or images. 2012
Scanning recommendations cont. 300 dpi and grayscale – for documents where colour is present, photographs, and where there is low contrast (eg. faded text, shading on the document, and coloured background). 2012
Transferring Scanned Documents When a document has been scanned and registered into TRIM, a unique record number is generated starting with SD (Student Document): Write the SD number on the top of the hardcopy document (where possible); Place in an A1 Archive box. When the box is full, label it by writing: The originating faculty or office; and Date range of documents in box. Send to: Student Files Clayton Building 203 700 Blackburn Road Clayton Campus 2012
SD number on documents It is requested that the SD (Student document) number is written on the document when it is registered to HP TRIM as this assists Records staff in the quality checking process. SD number 2012
Common scanning problems The document is only partially scanned. In many examples the backs of pages are missed, pages are left out, post-it notes and loose notes are not scanned; Photographs are not clear; Forms are only scanned on the pages that have been filled out. Need to copy the whole form to show that part of it did not need to be filled out; Shaded areas on forms and other documents cannot be read; The use of highlighters – either scanned so you can’t read what is under the highlighting or the highlighting disappears and you don’t know what was written or that something was highlighted; Testamurs from other institutions have security devices on them so that copies cannot be passed off as originals; The grading guide on testamurs is not scanned; Post-it notes obscuring text on a document not removed or placed in an area where there is no text. 2012
Bulk email and Bulk Mail Outs (mail merge) Bulk email requirements: Body/Content of the email; Date and time sent; List of student ID’s (email was sent to). Bulk mail out/Mail Merge requirements: Document with active links to the mail merge components in the spread sheet; Spread sheet containing the active data source (mail merge links). User do not need to register bulk mail into TRIM individually this can be managed through the Service Desk, via a specialised tool. Presentationtitle
Any questions? 2012