CARR Bhubaneswar, odisha Welcome to CARR
CARR is a nonprofit making secular and Non-Government organization who works for the holistic upliftment of the women, Children, Tribal, Dalits and other disadvantage groups by the local resources (human, financial as well as natural resources) in a sustainable way and gives special emphasis to “GRAM SWARAJ” concept in a participatory way by making linkage and liaison with other activities, networks and methods within and without our nation. Mission:
CARR wants to see a just society, where every individual will get ample scope for getting flowered of their own natural potentialities, which will be utilized to its optimum for the sustainable development of their environment and life style with all human values and dignities. Vision:
Organizational structure. General Body ↓ Governing Body ↓ Secretary ↓ Project Co-coordinator ↓ ↓ Accountant /MIS Community organizer Organogram
Imparting training and exposure to the farmers in getting new information’s on how to use new techniques in promotion of the sustainable agriculture, encouraging the Non-pesticide management skill and using indigenous system of fertilizer Management. Assisting the people in renovating and constructing watershed projects for additional agricultural production. Sustainable Agriculture: ACTIVITIES:
Training programme at Mangarajpur village of Baramba Block by progressive farmer Training programme at Jodumu village of Narasinghpur Block by Mr. Subrat Ku. Padhi, Argonomist of Banki Agri.Office. Training programme at Kalibir village of Tigiria Block by Mr. Subrat Ku. Padhi, Argonomist of Banki Agri.Office.
Organic Pesticides & manure preparation & Utilization of their land
Raising Nursery bed & Transporting for transplanting
Transplantation & Weeding by mandwa weeder
Crop cutting & yielding 5mtr to 5mtr….
MGNREGA No of new job card holders =1580 No of individual Job demand and got work =1442 Average annual access to jobs per H.H.s=60 days
No of IFRA apply =1833nos No of IFRA title got-1683 No of CFR apply=17 No of CFR approved=5 Community Forest Management(CFM): Formation of people’s organizations for promotion of the people’s forestry in its working villages, where the people are encouraged to play a major role in protecting their forest resources and use it judiciously and making lobby in different forums to get its legal ownership
REVENUELAND No of individual apply =658 No of individual got title=154
Community Organizations: Formation and promotion of the CBOs like youth groups, village development council, Mahila Self-Help Groups who are motivated to be involved in community development process through participatory planning process.
CBOs No of MGNREGA jobseeker group formed=43 (one in each village) No of FRC formed=43 (one in each village) No of revenue landless group formed=43 (one in each village) No of SHG =34 No of JSSM =5(one in each GP)
Leadership Training Organizing leadership development training programme for the CBO members, youth groups, Mahila Mandals, PRI members etc. for managing their groups properly.
Promoting the alternative banking system and IGP: Organization of the women to create and strengthen the banking system for the SC, ST and other Marginal family members those who have no accessibility to the formal banking system. Through it different individual and group ventures for the financial emancipation of the women are being encouraged Skill training on locally viable trades animal rearing and small local based produces are being encouraged and supported by the organization.
Lobby and liasioning CARR keeps continuous interaction with other NGDOS, Govt. functionaries and other development agencies who are involved in different social, environmental and cultural issues and makes linkage with local issues for a better and strong voice in favour of it.