National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Permit
The Problem 25 years ago 1/3 of the waters of the US were safe for fishing or swimming Wetland Losses were estimated at 460,000 acres annually Agricultural runoff resulted in the erosion of 2,250,000,000 tons of soil and the deposit of large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen
Foundation of Modern Water Laws 1948 Water Pollution Control Act- focused on protection of human health not environment. Had few if any federal goals, objectives, limits, and or guidelines. Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1956 and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of focused on funding for municipal wastewater treatment plants. Water Quality Act of 1965 – required States to develop water quality standards for interstate waters. About half of states complied. Refuse Act Permit Program (RAPP)-permitting program to control water pollution. Required facilities discharging wastes into public waterways to obtain federal permits.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) Amendments of 1972 Distinct change in philosophy of water pollution control in the United States Requirements for water-quality based controls Emphasis on technology-based or end-of-pipe control strategies Maintained discharge of pollutants to a navigable water is not a right. Effluent limits must be based on treatment technology performance, but more stringent limits may be imposed if the technology-based limits do not prevent violations of water quality in the receiving water. Created the NPDES Program
Clean Water Act Established 126 pollutants that are toxic Defined conventional and non conventional pollutants. Adjusted technology based standards to reflect a shift towards controlling toxics. Goal was to restore all waters of the US to a fishable and swimmable quality
What is an NPDES Permit All facilities which discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the US must obtain a permit. Two levels of control 1) technology based limits 2)water quality based limits Categorized Point sources vs. non point sources
Point Source Discharges from publicly owned treatment works(POTWs), discharges from industrial facilities, and discharges associated with urban runoff.
Non-point Source (Non-regulated) Majority of agricultural facilities Exempt from NPDES regulations
Non-point Source (Regulated) Urban Runoff from citizens going about their everyday or rainfall activities Includes sediment, nitrogen, fertilizers, pesticides, motor oil, and household hazardous wastes. Reports show that this is the leading cause of water pollution in the US
What is Jefferson County? Phase I municipalities are all cities or counties over 100,000 people. Jefferson County has a Phase I Municipal Separate Sewer System (MS4) Permit.
Permit Requirements for Construction Sites Home sites must be submitted to the local agency for review prior to construction. Commercial Sites less than one acre must be submitted for review All sites greater than 1 acre must have an Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Permit as well as be submitted to local agencies for acceptance. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO KEEP SEDIMENT ON YOUR SITE!!!!
Primary Pollutants of Concern on Single Family Residential sites Sedimentation Nitrogen Common chemicals such as paint, toxins, and other building chemicals Debris BE RESPONSIBLE KEEP YOUR SITE CLEAN