Vital signs / Terminology #1 Temperature Aural (ear) AxillaCelsiusFahrenheit
Vital Signs / Terminology #2 FebrileMetabolismMucosaPyrexia
Vital Signs / Terminology #3 PulseApicalBrachialCarotidRadialarrhythmia
Vital Signs / Terminology #4 BradycardiaTachycardiaBounding Pulse deficit thready
Vital Signs / Terminology #5 RespirationApneaCheyne-StokesOrthopnea Shallow breathing Kussmaul’s respiration
Vital Signs / Terminology #6 HyperventilationCyanosisDiaphragmdyspnea
Vital Signs / Terminology #7 Blood pressure Aneroid manometer DiastolicHypertensionHypotensiondiaphragm
Vital Signs / Terminology #8 SphygmomanometerStethoscopeSystolicbell
Vital Signs / Purposes Temperature,pulse,respiration and blood pressure Assess functioning of vital organs Signify changes in the body
Vital Signs / Observations Color and temperature of the skin How is the patient acting What does the patient tell you about the way he/she feels
Temperature Balance between heat gained and heat lost The hypothalamus is the regulation center
Heat production Heat is produced by cellular activity, food metabolism, muscle activity, and some hormones Infection Brain injury External factors
Heat loss Heat is lost from the body through the skin, the lungs in breathing, and by elimination Sweating Increased respiratory rate Increased flow of blood to skin
Heat conservation Reducing perspiration Decreasing the flow of blood to the skin Shivering
Nursing measures to raise the temperature Increase the temperature in the room Add coverings to the body Provide hot liquids to drink Give warm baths or soaks
Nursing measures to lower the temperature Decrease the temperature in the room Remove coverings from the body Offer cool liquids to drink Provide cool bath or sponging Direct fan toward body
Major Pulse sites Major Pulse sites CarotidApicalBrachialRadialFemoralPopliteal Dorasalis pedis
Factors that increase pulse Exercise Strong emotions FeverPainShockHemorrhageAnemia
Factors that decrease pulse RestDepressionDrugs Respiratory center depression
Qualities of pulse RateRhythmStrength
Respiration Respiration is defined as the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs It is regulated in the brain by the medulla
Factors that increase respiratory rate Exercise Strong emotion Infection Increased body temperature Increased metabolism
Factors that decrease respiratory rate Rest / Sleep Depression Respiratory center depression
Qualities of Respiration RateRhythmDepthEffortDiscomfortPositionSoundsColor
Abnormal breathing patterns LaboredOrthopneaStertorousAbdominalShallowDyspneaTachypneaBradypnea
Blood pressure Pressure exerted against walls of blood vessels Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure Thumping sounds Sounds correspond to numbers First sound heard is systolic pressure Last sound heard is diastolic pressure
Factors that raise blood pressure Strong emotion ExerciseExcitementPain Decrease of blood vessel size Digestion Cuff that is too narrow or too loose Cuff below heart level
Factors that lower blood pressure Rest/Sleep Lying down DepressionShockHemorrhage Cuff that is too wide Cuff above the heart level
Equipment needed to measure blood pressure ManometerCuffStethoscope
Guidelines to take blood pressure Is commonly measured at the brachial artery Do not use arm that is injured, has an intravenous infusion, or is in a cast Patient should be at rest Apply blood pressure cuff to bare arm Use appropriate sized cuff
Charting vital signs Report abnormal TPR and blood pressure to nurse Record on hospital flow sheets, graphic records, and nurse assistant notes Write the blood pressure as a fraction: systolic/diastolic e.g., 120/80 Note location,e.g., 150/90, thigh