Investigation 3 Calcite Quest Part 2 – Looking for More evidence Day 1 Earth Materials Investigation 3 Calcite Quest Part 2 – Looking for More evidence Day 1
For the Teacher – Getting Ready Have a sample of each rock on the rock identification sheet for students to refer to. Rough the rock samples up by rubbing them together to provide new surfaces for vinegar to react with the calcite. Rinse them thoroughly with soapy water and let them dry before putting them away.
For the Teacher – Getting Ready Student Materials 1 FOSS tray from previous lesson 6 evaporating dishes 1 plastic cup 2 hand lenses 2 sticky notes
For the Teacher – Getting Ready Class Materials vinegar, white Rock reference set Rock Identification Sheet Assessment Chart
What We Will Learn Sometimes more than one test is needed to provide conclusive evidence. Evaporation is a technique used to separate liquid from solid parts of a mixture or solution.
Science Vocabulary Signs or facts on which a conclusion can be based are called evidence. The continuous, tiny bubbles in the form of a string are evidence that calcite is present.
Part 1 Review What did you learn about calcite and the four rocks in Part 1? The rocks and vinegar sat overnight in the vials and today we are going to look for more evidence that there is calcite in the rocks.
Looking for More Evidence Getters get your group’s tray and CAREFULLY carry it to your group. Observe your vials. What do you see? That’s right, they are no longer fizzing.
Thinking What could we do to get more evidence that there is calcite in the rock samples? What did we do in the mock rock investigation to discover hidden ingredients? Yes, we can use the evaporating dishes to see if there is anything in the vinegar.
Designing the Investigation How will we go about finding out if there is anything in the vinegar? If something is left in a dish after the liquid has evaporated, how will you know it is evidence that calcite was in the rock and not just something in the vinegar itself?
Experiment Controls Scientists often use controls when they experiments. A control gives scientists more evidence because they can eliminate some sources of what they are looking for. We will have two controls. One control will be an evaporation dish with liquid from the calcite vial. The other will be with some plain vinegar.
Procedure Getters get six evaporation dishes and 2 sticky notes from the materials station. I will bring the vinegar to you. Be sure to put the sticky notes from the vials with the evaporation dishes. Pour just enough liquid to cover the bottom of the evaporation dish with liquid from the vial. Label the vials with the calcite liquid and the vinegar.
Clean Up Reporters put the rocks from the vials in the empty cup. Managers empty the remaining liquid from the vials in the cup and put the vials in the corners of the FOSS tray. Collectors bring the FOSS trays to me CAREFULLY so that they can be stacked. I will collect the cups.
Evaporating Time We will wait for the liquid in the evaporating dishes to evaporate and then we will observe them to see if we can find any evidence of calcite.
What We Learned Sometimes more than one test is needed to provide conclusive evidence. Evaporation is a technique used to separate liquid from solid parts of a mixture or solution.
Literature Connection The Two Boys: An Aborigine Story from Australia