What Is Depression? A disorder that affects a person’s mood where feeling range from the blues to extreme sadness and hopelessness. It can be a crippling disease and may lead to suicide.
What Causes Depression? Physical: Chemical imbalance within the brain. Psychological: A mental disorder most often related to stress. Other Factors: Family history, Major life stresses, Physical illness, Drug abuse, Gender.
What are the Signs of Depression? Sadness Hopelessness Change in Eating Habits Change in Sleep Habits Loss of Self-Esteem Withdraw from Life Extreme and Sudden Mood Changes
How To Help Someone With Depression? Talk to them- Don’t dwell on the negative or challenging aspects & focus on the positive things in their life. Listen- Get them to talk. Show understanding Get them to suggest alternatives - Put things into perspective. Encourage Exercise. Don’t tell them “THINGS ARE NOT THAT BAD.” If it lasts longer than 2 weeks, seek help, hotlines, counselors, & trusted adults.
What are the Signs of Suicidal Risk? Grades Changing Giving Things Away Moody - Quiet Self Destructive Behavior Talk About It Have a Will Change in Eating Habits Change in Sleep Habits
What You Can Do To Help! 1.Determine the Danger. ASK who, what, where, when, why, & how 2.Deal with the actual plan. Remove the potential for suicide. Or Remove the means. Or Determine the method.
3. Get professional HELP. Tell someone - teachers, counselors, parents, or suicidal hotlines. 4.Take RESPONSIBILITY for saving your friend’s life. 5. Write a contract for life. Helping Con’t