Mrs Bates Miss Ashfield Mrs Sherwood Mrs Bright Mrs Pereira Mrs Jones Mrs Knight Mrs Castledine
Rabbit class
Salamander Class
8:40 Children enter class and begin morning activity 9:00 Start 10:30 Break time 12:00 Lunch time 2:30 Break time 3:30 Home time (wait under the covered way)
Numeracy and literacy (including ERIC time) usually in the mornings Topic work and PE in the afternoons Phonics twice a day
Phonics Reading and Writing Numeracy IPC
Systematic progression in phonic teaching following on from prior teaching year groups Based on Government’s Letters and Sounds programme Supported by interactive lessons, phonic based reading material
Individual reading with adult With parent help Reading in groups – ERIC With parent help Differentiated literacy groupings within class Spellings/Skills : Monday and Tuesday Writing : Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Groupings for their current level of knowledge Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Class numeracy Thursday and Friday Reviewed every half term
Buildings and Structures London Our World - The Environment Transport Flowers and Insects Media Magic
IN ART Drawing pictures of local buildings Making and decorating models of buildings Looking at colour and texture IN GEOGRAPHY finding out about different houses, homes and other buildings around the world. Look at places and buildings in London IN HISTORY finding out about how buildings were made in the past and important buildings in London finding out how buildings have been used
IN ICT eSafety and sending messages and s IN MUSIC exploring the structures of tunes and songs comparing our own music
IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION building basic skills in running, jumping and ball skills improving balance and co-ordination by making shapes with our bodies IN TECHNOLOGY making models of buildings and a house interior IN SCIENCE testing the strengths of structures finding out about materials used in structures In doing this work, we'll be finding out more about how structures are made and how changing the shapes of structures can make them stronger.
IN ART looking at paintings of different environments – urban and rural finding out about colours and tone IN GEOGRAPHY finding out about plans and maps of our classroom and journey to school finding out the effects of any changes to the environment, good and bad
IN ICT making a digital newspaper IN MUSIC using symbols in music singing songs about the weather
IN TECHNOLOGY making model gardens and environments IN SCIENCE Making electrical circuits and learning about electricity
IN ART making detailed drawings of transport using collage to show transport from around the world IN GEOGRAPHY finding out about different types of transport here/abroad finding out about getting to other countries thinking about the good and bad things about different types of transport IN TECHNOLOGY making plans and building a vehicle testing different vehicles
IN HISTORY reviewing transport through the ages In ICT using word processing to write and illustrate an eBook
IN MUSIC making transport sounds with different musical instruments using symbols in music IN SCIENCE reviewing forces used in transport IN PSHE recapping on road safety and reviewing signs used to direct transport
IN SCIENCE a bout where flowers and insects prefer to live and grow about how and where seeds grow how to set up tests to discover how plants use water how to grow lots of different things about the life cycles of insects about ants and bees famous scientists inventing communications IN MUSIC using instruments to make minibeast sounds
IN ART about paintings of flowers and insects how to make pastels and collage of flowers and insects how to make models of flowers and insects how to use symmetry to make paintings of insects
IN ICT/Geography how to collect and store data about creatures in the garden how to code a game turtle and a roamer to follow a route different ways to communicate across the world IN HISTORY how telephones have changed with time how inventors of communications and codes have influenced history
Celebrating success Prepared for learning Supporting positive behaviour
School rules Class rules Golden time Golden tickets PSHE/Assembly times
Kit in school for every PE lesson Outdoor Jogging bottoms, sweater, outdoor trainers Indoor Shorts, t-shirt, plimsolls 1 session with teacher 1 session with sports coach Swimming – summer term Parent helpers
Daily reading Book and record to return to school the next day Word packs to practise in home and school Weekly spellings New spellings to learn in home book Tests in test book left at school Weekly numeracy Weekly reading questions Begins after Christmas Occasional topic homework