SOL11B: Government Provides Public Goods and Services
Governments serve many purposes and offer citizens many benefits. The government provides goods and services that individuals could not supply for themselves. ( insert picture of US Capitol Bldg)
Governments create and manage libraries, (insert pictures of libraries)
Schools (education system), (insert pictures of schools)
Hospitals, (insert pictures of hospitals)
parks, forests and recreational areas, (insert pictures of local, state, and national parks)
They develop systems to provide mass transit. (insert pictures of subways and bus systems)
Build and repair roads, highways, and erect bridges, (insert pictures of bridges)
They supply water to our homes and businesses, (insert pictures of pipes and bathrooms)
They take care of our sewer and sanitation needs. (insert pictures of sewage treatment centers)
They collect garbage and recycling. (insert pictures of waste disposal areas at work)
The government delivers the mail and provides the postal service. (insert pictures of post offices)
All levels of government provide goods and services that individuals could not supply for themselves. (insert picture of a snow plow)
Many government services are aimed at keeping the public healthy and safe. (insert picture of an elderly couple who are dancing)
Governments set up fire departments, (insert a picture of a fire department or firefighters in action)
Rescue, ambulance and 911 services, (insert a picture of ambulances and 911 systems)
Government sets the requirements for licenses (doctors, lawyers, teachers, plumbers, hairdressers, contractors, accountants). (insert picture of a license, medical oath symbol,plumber, electrician)
Government agencies protect you from spoiled food and from dangerous drugs. (insert a picture of spoiled food)
The government has agencies that check for safety problems (bridges, elevators, scales, building structures, day care, factories, amusement parks). (insert a picture of bridge collapsing or safety check on an amusement park ride)
Governments also give help to needy people. (insert a picture of a homeless person)
For example, in each of the 50 states, poor families and people who are out of work can receive food aid and/or cash. (insert a depression age photo or what food stamps look like)
Government agencies also supply affordable housing… (insert a picture of public housing)
Health care, (insert a picture of a medicare card)
And special programs for people with disabilities. (insert a picture of a rehab center)
Job training, (insert pictures of people learning new skills)
Other services… lighthouses court systems street lighting space programs
More services… police force, agriculture support, veteran’s benefits, and airports.
Government pays for public goods and services through the collection of tax revenue and through borrowed funds. (insert political cartoons about taxes)
This way, the government can provide benefits to many simultaneously (at the same time). (insert pictures of roads being built and FEMA at work)
All these things and more, brought to you by your tax dollars and capital letter “G”. (insert pictures of all 3 levels of govt)
Review Questions: 1. One characteristic of public goods and services is that they provide- a. benefits to many simultaneously b. benefits to few simultaneously c. food for the soul d. the rich with more money
2. “The government provides benefits to many simultaneously”. What does “simultaneously” mean? A. one at a time B. two by two C. in groups of five D. all at the same time
3. What is another way that the government can come up with the money to help pay for these public goods and services besides collecting taxes? A. borrowing funds B. CD (certificates of deposit) C. piggy banks D. savings account
4. What is the economic term for the money that comes from taxes that the government collects? A. taxes B. surplus C. opportunity cost D. revenue
5. Who benefits when the government provides goods and services? A. those under 13 years of age B. all people C. only the voters D. all republicans
6. Public goods and services would NOT be available if- A. Private agencies had to provide them B. individuals had to provide them C. everyone wanted them D. only a few people needed them
Focus questions for video viewing: Listen for some examples of private goods and services. Be able to tell me how a private good/service is different from a public good/service. Explain when you pay for these public goods/services.
Video Segment: Types of Services: Public and Private (3:12)
Follow up Video Discussion: List some of the examples of private goods and services. Compare private and public goods and services. Explain how public goods and services are paid for, when we don’t give any money for them when we use them.