ILDS, Tallinn, September 21, 2005 Jindřiška Pospíšilová National Library of the Czech Republic Uniform Information Gateway
2 Project history Uniform Information Gateway for hybrid libraries (pilot project of the National Library of the Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague; 2001) STM Portal – joining of the project – State technical library + 11 other institutions (2002) UIG – LPIS 8 (VISK 8) – other institutions and resources were connected national/international project (Czech and Slovak Virtual Union Catalogue)
3 Goals integration of heterogeneous information resources and offering new, uniform and user-friendly access to them creating a comprehensive and easy- to-understand map of collections available in Czech libraries; closer coordination in the development and utilization of collections – by Conspectus subject access transformation Czech national subject gateway
4 Integration integrated access to information on documents and to the primary documents themselves uniform user-friendly interface uniform query input and display of results merge and de-duplication of results authentication and authorization-based services configuration of a personalized environment, including a list of frequently accessed resources and a personal cataloguing area with a possibility of changing the format save queries and results options no need for repeated logins and logouts (single sign-in to the array of resources) extended services
5 Tools MetaLib SFX Conspectus
6 Services access to heterogeneous information resources extended services – Citation Linker My space - configuration of a personalized environment copy cataloging training, user guidebooks info-portal
7 Information resources Czech – free accessible: union catalogues library OPACs (national, county and special libraries) other bibliographic resources Foreign – free accessible: catalogues full-text resources (PubMed, HighWire Press) Licensed resources – IP address over 80 resources for retrieval over 110 resources processed in our knowledge base
8 Information resources Czech books Books published in the CR Books news Czech national bibliography – Czech books Books announced to the National ISBN Agency Czech articles databases provided by county and city libraries, NL database – for retrieval branch databases – provided by branch libraries and by institutes of the Academy of Sciences (e.g. National Medical Library, Institute of History, National Film Archive, Institute of Czech Literature, Central Agricultural Library, …) – for information only, with the link to native interface
9 My space
10 Extended services SFX – tool collecting on one site an offer of relevant extended services for concrete document Extended services for : –holding status –full text, abstract –information on authors –related documents according to the subject and title –book reviews –electronic document delivery and ILL … 24 targets in total at present
12 Targets services catalogues in systems Aleph, TinWeb, Lanius, Advanced Rapid Library lending/loan status, availability in CR union catalogues availability in CR Ebsco, ProQuest 5000, ScienceDirect, Literature Online, EJS abstract, fulltext – availability in CR portals – EZB (Electronic Journals Library), STM, HighWire Press,… abstract, fulltext VPK STK, DoDo NK ČR Document Delivery Services Britannica, encyclopedia COTO.JE author´s information, book reviews Google, Altavista, Excite … related documents
Tallin,13 UIG and DDS
14 Extended services in different resources union catalogues library OPACs licensed databases (WorldCat, ESPM Database, EBSCO, …) UIG - Citation Linker
Tallin,15 Charles University Union Catalogue
16 WorldCat – availability in CR
17 EBSCO – availability in CR
Tallin,18 Citation Linker
19 Copy cataloging used from 2002, modified in March 2004 conversion of bibliographic and authority records between UNIMARC and MARC21 library profile (parameters of library system used, format, coding,.. and determined catalogues) exchange of records via Z39.50 protocol library must use the Z39.50 client (integrated in the automated library systém or external) free of charge more than 50 libraries
Tallin,20 Library profile - application
21 Example of use Request from client PROFILE: 1. NK ČR 2. MZK 3. SVK Olom. NK ČR MZK SVK Olomouc
22 Remote resources are searched sequentially
23 Work is done! (downloaded record is merged in a new record)
24 Training, user guidebook … Info-portal
Tallin,25 New version – ML and SFX version 3
26 New services Quick sets (Books in Czechia, Czech articles, Foreign books, Foreign articles) QuickSearch and MetaSearch My space – new personalized environment Extented services –new targets – Google Scholar, Wiley InterScience, Kluwer –new service – Ask a librarian –list of e-journals Info-portal
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