Imperialism JEOPARDY Basic Vocab Panama Canal Asian Influence Spanish American War ETC $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Basic Vocab This is a policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations
$100 Answer Basic Vocab Imperialism
$200 Question Basic Vocab Queen Liliuokalani was the ruler of this territory?
$200 Answer Basic Vocab Hawaii
$300 Question Basic Vocab Person sent to another country by a church to spread its faith
$300 Answer Basic Vocab Missionaries
$400 Question Basic Vocab This allowed the US to interfere in South/Latin America if we thought our interests were threatened?
$400 Answer Basic Vocab Roosevelt Corollary
$500 Question Basic Vocab This warned European nations not to interfere in Latin American affairs
$500 Answer Basic Vocab Monroe Doctrine
$100 Question Spanish American War This US Battleship was supposedly sunk by Spain
$100 Answer Spanish American War USS Maine
$200 Question Spanish American War This was the slogan of the Spanish American War
$200 Answer Spanish American War “Remember the Maine”
$300 Question Spanish American War This type of journalism sensationalized and exaggerated stories in order to gain readers and increase sales
$300 Answer Spanish American War Yellow Journalism
$400 Question Spanish American War This Naval Commodore defeated the Spanish fleet in the Philippines in 7 hours. He even had a chewing gum named after him.
$400 Answer Spanish American War George Dewey
$500 Question Spanish American War This piece of legislature was passed and forced on the Cubans. It gave the US the right to intervene in Cuban affairs anytime there was a threat to their life, liberty and property.
$500 Answer Spanish American War Platt Amendment
$100 Question Asian Influences These are areas where foreign nations claim special rights and economic privileges
$100 Answer Asian Influences Spheres of Influence
$200 Question Asian Influences This individual crafted and promoted the Open Door Policy
$200 Answer Asian Influences John Hay
$300 Question Asian Influences These individuals were a part of a Chinese secret society who were upset with foreign privileges and disrespect towards Chinese traditions. They also believed that their martial arts training would make them invulnerable to bullets.
$300 Answer Asian Influences Boxers
$400 Question Asian Influences This was a policy proposed by the US which would given equal trade to everyone in China
$400 Answer Asian Influences Open Door Policy
$500 Question Asian Influences This was that name of a 1900 nationalist uprising in China
$500 Answer Asian Influences Boxer Rebellion
$100 Question Panama Canal This US President pushed to have the US continue building the Canal, despite the loss of many French deaths in the area?
$100 Answer Panama Canal Teddy Roosevelt
$200 Question Panama Canal Mosquitoes carried infectious diseases which killed many builders of the Canal. What two diseases did they carry?
$200 Answer Panama Canal Malaria and Yellow Fever
$300 Question Panama Canal This medicine was used to treat patients who had malaria
$300 Answer Panama Canal Quinine
$400 Question Panama Canal Panama is considered what type of land formation?
$400 Answer Panama Canal Isthmus
$500 Question Panama Canal What was the purpose of building the Panama Canal? What benefits did it provide?
$500 Answer Panama Canal It created a shortcut for trade ships instead of the trek around South America
$100 Question Etc. This group of people were against the imperialist movement
$100 Answer Etc. Anti-Imperialist League
$200 Question Etc. This individual was a strong backer of imperialism/expansionism, he is best known for his purchase of Alaska
$200 Answer Etc. William Seward
$300 Question Etc. This was the name of the volunteer cavalry during the Spanish American War
$300 Answer Etc. Rough Riders
$400 Question Etc. This individual fought for Cuban independence during the Spanish American War?
$400 Answer Etc. Jose Marti
$500 Question Etc. These two individuals are historically accredited with the creation of yellow journalism?
$500 Answer Etc. Hearst and Pulitzer
Final Jeopardy This piece of legislature ended the Spanish American War, thus giving the US the right to govern the Philippines, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico
Final Jeopardy Answer Treaty of Paris