Hoover as President Mr. Brink 12.3 United States History
President Herbert Hoover Relied on “rugged individualism” and cooperation rather than government interference. Volunteerism –Wanted Americans to voluntarily join forces 1930: Signs the Smoot- Hawley Tariff – destroys global trade.
Associative State Partnership between business and government Voluntary Cooperation 1. Cooperatives-designed to help the farmers.
Hoover was increasingly unpopular, but he continued to try... he persuaded Congress to establish the RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION had power to make emergency loans to banks but it was too little too late… and Hoover wouldn't involve himself in any programs of direct gov'tal aid to individuals -didn't want to erode Americans sense of "RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM"
Movie Clip Questions Why was Hoover famous/popular before becoming President? Organized Belgium Relief What cabinet position did Hoover hold under Harding and Coolidge? Secretary of Commerce How did Hoover hope to solve the Depression? He wanted companies to engage in___________ Volunteerism
Movie Questions (Cont.) What was a “Hoover Hotel”? A Shanty House/cardboard What was a “Hooverville”? A town of Hoover Hotels What was a “Hoover Flag”? Empty Pockets Turned Out What was the “Bonus Army”? World War 1 Veterans who marched on Washington wanting Money that was promised to them early.
people were frustrated - isolated protest movements EX: Dairy farmers frustrated w/low price of milk refuse to sell (dump it) EX: WW1 veterans (pensions discontinued by congress) march on Washington = BONUS MARCH (by BONUS ARMY) they reached Washington by 1931, set up shantytowns = HOOVERVILLES (food scraps = HOOVER-MEALS, hitchhiking journeys = HOOVER RIDES) after one year they were forcibly dispersed by the Army (MacArthur/Eisenhower)
The Bonus March Hoover’s Fate is Sealed
The Election of 1932
1932 ELECTION 1 out of 4 was unemployed… nat'l income was 50% of what it had been in 1929 Repubs. nominated Hoover no hope winner by a landslide = FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (Dem - N.Y. governor)