Chapter 17 Lab Do You Know you’re A-B-Os? Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Before we begin… Blood type A Blood type B Blood type O Blood type AB
Why is it important to know your blood type? What can you do if you don’t know your blood type?
Introduction Donated blood is used for blood transfusions. Not every type of blood can be safely donated to every individual. This lab will allow you to investigate why type O blood is especially useful in blood transfusions.
Scientific Question Given what you know, write your scientific question for this lab.
Hypothesis From your understanding of blood typing, what do you predict from your investigation of “Do You Know you’re A-B-Os?”
Materials 3 paper cups 3 plastic droppers White paper Vinegar Pen 3 plastic petri dishes Toothpicks Acrylic floor cleaner
Procedures Make sure you have your surgical gloves on. The food dye will stain your clothes permanently! Label the paper cups, A, B, O (if time permits, AB) Mix 5 ml water, 15 ml acrylic floor polish, and 3-4 drops of red food dye together. Poor this mixture into the cup labeled Blood Type A.
Procedures -- cont’d Mix 5 ml water, 15 ml vinegar, and 3-4 drops of red food dye together. Pour mixture into the cup labeled Blood Type B. Mix 20 ml water and 3-4 drops of red food dye together. Pour mixture into the cup labeled Blood Type O.
Procedures -- cont’d Blood Type A Using an eye dropper, put drops of Blood Type A into the petri dish labeled A. Add drops of Blood Type O into the petri dish labeled A. Stir with the popsicle stick. Record observation.
Procedures -- cont’d Blood Type B Using an eye dropper, put drops of Blood Type B into the petri dish labeled B. Add drops of Blood Type O into the petri dish labeled B. Stir with the popsicle stick. Record observation.
Procedures -- cont’d Blood Type A Using an eye dropper, put drops of Blood Type A into the petri dish labeled A and B. Add drops of Blood Type B into the petri dish labeled A andB. Stir with the popsicle stick. Record observation.
Table 1: Donor Type A Donor Type ________ Potential Receiver Viscosity (Hi or Low) Final Viscosity Safe or Unsafe? A B AB O
Table 1: Donor Type O Donor Type ________ Potential Receiver Viscosity (Hi or Low) Final Viscosity Safe or Unsafe? A B AB O
Table 1: Donor Type B Donor Type ________ Potential Receiver Viscosity (Hi or Low) Final Viscosity Safe or Unsafe? A B AB O
Some Things to Consider for Your Lab Report… Which blood types can receive a transfusion of type A blood? Type O blood? If some blood types are not available, how might O blood be useful?
Lab Report Due Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Lab Report must be typed. Remember to include data tables.