Depression & Suicide Objectives How to Save A Life SWBAT Explain why it is important to identify and treat clinical depression. Explain why individuals might deliberately injure themselves Describe one major risk factor for suicide. While listening to the song, consider the following & right in your journal: Questions—When you read/listen to these song lyrics, what questions do you have? Passages—Which passages triggered those questions? Connections—Write down any connections you can think of to this song (i.e. news story, another song, book, personal experience, movie)
Depression An illness when the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair persist and interfere with an individual’s ability to function Causes of Depression Genetic (Family history) Biochemical (hormone inbalance) Environmental (prolonged stressful situation) Situational (victim/witness crime major incident)
Recognizing Depression Risk Factors Signs of Depression Parent of biological relative with a mood disorder Major life change or prolonged stressful situation Witness/Victim of a violent crime Previous bout of depression Sense of hopelessness Illness/Medical conditon Change in appetite or weight Change in sleep patterns Change in activity level Lost of interest in hobbies Loss of energy Hopelessness/boredom Unexplained crying/easily annoyed Repeated thoughts of death & suicide
Self-Injury Cutting-use of sharp object to intentionally cut or scratch one’s body deep enough to bleed Burning skin to leave scars AN UNHEALTHY WAY TO COPE WITH EMOTIONS
Suicide Prevention Suicide: The intentional killing of oneself 3 rd leading cause of death among Cluster Suicides: series of suicides that occur within a short period of time in the same peer group or community Risk Factors Previous attempt or family history Mental disorder AND substance abuse disorder Feelings of hopelessness or isolation Lack of access to mental health treatment Being influenced by family, peers, media
Getting Help Protective Factors Resources Treat mental disorders Treat substance abuse disorders Stay connected with community, family, friends Have personal beliefs that discourage suicide. School Nurse Social Worker School Psychologist Religious Figure (Pastor) Crisis Centers Suicide Prevention hotlines
How to Help a Friend DO…. Trust your feelings Take threats seriously Say how concerned you are Listen carefully Talk calmly Involve a trusted friend Stay until help arrives DON’T…. Dare the person to do it Judge the person Analyze the person’s motives Argue or offer reasons not to attempt suicide Leave the person alone A cknowledge that your friend has a problem and that the symptoms are serious C are. Let them know that you care about them and that you want to help them. T ell a trusted adult about your concerns. Just telling the right person can make all the difference
Key Question Your friend Bryan has shown some signs of clinical depression for a month. You are very worried about Bryan, but he refuses to talk to you about his feelings. What could you do to help Bryan?