Do now Word of the day sentence Prelab- Read the background Write 1.Objective 2.Materials 3.Precautions Questions
Objective: (Worth 10 points) What are physical properties? What are chemical properties? Can the properties of materials that appear to be similar be used to tell them apart? Are the samples from the suspect and from the crime scene identical? Was the suspect at the crime scene?
Materials Micro plate Pipette Water, vinegar, iodine Baking powder, baking soda,cornstarch
Precautions 1.Follow all lab safety rules 2. No horse play 3.Follow all directions 4.Protect eyes and Skin – wear goggles and aprons 5. equipment is clean and dry 6.Vinegar is corrosive if you drop it on your skin wash with cold water and call the teacher 7.Iodine can discolor skin do not drop on skin or clothing 8.Some chemicals are poisonous please do not taste any chemicals 9.Make sure all Use a white paper under the micro plate to label wells Precautions
1. Use a clean spatula to put each powder in the assigned wells 2.Use a separate tooth pick to stir contents of each well and discard the tooth pick 3.Do not touch the tip of the pipette with the contents in each well or else cross contamination will occur and results may be affected 4.Test one powder at a time 5.Wash equipment at your sink dry and place equipment back. Leave stations clean and dry 6.Wash hands at the end of lab
Post lab