MiniLab - Determine pH The pH of a solution is a measurement of how acidic or basic that solution is. An easy way to measure the pH of a solution is to use pH paper.
Procedure 1. You will be testing lemon juice, ammonia, liquid detergent, shampoo, vinegar, and an unknown. 2. Dip a fresh strip of pH paper briefly into each solution and remove. 3. Compare the color of the wet paper with the pH color chart; record the pH of each substance.
Data table of common household products Substance Acid or base? Actual pH Actual acid or base? 1 - Lemon juice 2 - Antacid 3 - Detergent 4 – window cleaner 5 - Vinegar 6 - Unknown
Analysis: Do NOT copy the question. Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Which of the solutions are acids? 2. Which solutions are bases? 3. What ions in the solution caused the pH paper to change? Which solution contained the highest concentration of hydroxide ions? How do you know?
Analysis: Answer the questions in complete sentences. 4. Why is it important for us to know the effect of acidic and basic substances on the human body? 5. Give examples of human conditions that result from too much acid in the body. 6. What do you think is the unknown?