FORAMINIFERA: Part x - Foram Test Shapes & Apertures GEOL 3213 Micropaleontology
Foram Test Shapes
Pyrgo (= Biloculina)
Accessory Structures on Foram Tests
Foram Test Shapes, A Review
Shapes of Unilocular Tests
Modes of Chamber Addition Uniserial growth is shown for simplicity.
Stopped Here
Chamber shapes
Chamber Shapes
Foram Apertures Position of hole(s):
Foram Apertures Shapes of the hole itself:
Microscopes used in Studies Transmitted light – whole mounts Transmitted light – thin sections Reflected light SEM
Generalized History Based on Wall Composition & Structure Note: –Early organic walled & arenaceous forams in Cambrian –Calcareous microgranular forams in Ordovician –Porcelaneous in Carboniferous –Hyaline in Permian –Planktic in Late Jurassic –Nummulitids = Late K to Early Cenozoic
Review Early History of Forams
Review Later History of Forams
CLIMATE CHANGES INTERPRETED FROM DEEP-SEA CORES O18/O16 ratios from used to determine –Paleotemperature changes with planktic species & –Ice-volume changes with benthic species Triserial, planktic