U.S. Acquires Alaska Bought from the Russians for $7.2 million. 2 cents p/a Land rich in resources.
U.S. Takes Hawaii Rich, white sugar owners wanted to be annexed. Hawaiians didn’t approve U.S. marines overthrew the Queen – Sanford B. Dole headed the government Pres. McKinley favored statehood. Aug. 12, 1898: Hawaii. Became a U.S. territory
YELLOW JOURNALISM A style of writing that exaggerates the news to lure readers. Used to anger Americans with the treatment of Cuban citizens by the Spanish
DeLome’ Letter Letter sent from Enrique De Lome’ the Spanish Ambassador to the United States. DeLome’ was very critical of President McKinley in the letter and after it was leaked to press it helped American citizens approve of Spanish-American War.
USS Maine US Naval ship that was sunk in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898. Even though we were unsure of how the explosion happened this plus yellow journalism lead to the United States declaring war against Spain.
Spanish American War Conflict between the United States and Spain in 1898. Conflict originated in Cuba but also included fighting in the Philippines. President McKinley initiated
Rough Riders Battle at San Juan Hill Calvary Unit made up of volunteers that was under the leadership of Teddy Roosevelt. Played a significant role in winning the war in Cuba. Battle at San Juan Hill
Dewey takes the Philippines May 1st 1898 Commodore George Dewey attacked the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay. Filipino nationalist defeated Spain on the ground. Dewey was a hero
TREATY OF PARIS Ended Spanish American War Puerto Rico and Guam ceded to United States US paid $20 million for rights to the Philipines Cuba became a U.S.A protectorate
WAR AND PEACE IN THE PHILLIPINES Filipino rebels launched an uprising against U.S. occupation. William Howard Taft was placed as governor 1916 Congress passed the Jones Act to ensure the Philippines freedom.
BOXER REBELLION Secret Society of Chinese peasants knows as Boxers. Wanted to rid China of Western Influence 1899: Boxers massacred Western Missionaries. 1900: International forces including American troops help to put down the Boxers.
Open Door Policy Secretary of State John Hay informed European Countries that the US wanted to preserve Chinese Territorial and administrative entity. FREE TRADE AMONG ALL COUNTRIES WITH CHINA
RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR Conflict between Russia and Japan over water and land rights. Teddy Roosevelt negotiated the treaty to end the war. Roosevelt earned the Nobel Peace Prize for his actions
GREAT WHITE FLEET Roosevelt won congressional support to build a “New” Armada. 16 White Battleships were constructed in 1907. Good will cruise around the world showing America’s increased military presence.
Foraker Act Established a Civil Government in Puerto Rico Governor was appointed by US President Part of Legislature was Puerto Rican citizens
Platt Amendment Restricted rights of Cuba Cuba could not sign an agreement with another nation without USA approval Cuba to lease a Naval Station to USA Gave USA the right to intervene if necessary
Roosevelt Corollary AKA: BIG STICK DIPLOMACY (1904) Added on to support the Monroe Doctrine (1823) The USA would protect countries in the Western Hemisphere from European influence.
Panama Canal USA helped make Panama independent from Colombia. Constructed a canal that helped cut down travel for shipping going from Atlantic to Pacific Was a major project
Dollar Diplomacy President Taft’s Economic plan to bring stability to Latin American Substitute $$$ for bullets Increase American investments to help strengthen countries
Moral Diplomacy President Wilson’s plan for protecting Latin America. It was our “Moral” obligation as a country to Latin American countries Still used military to enforce the policy