Challenging Behaviors
Agitation… Agitation is used to described diverse symptoms such as: Irritability Restlessness Aggression Screaming Rummaging Disinhibition Resistance to care Wandering * Be specific when reporting concerns.
Urgent evaluation may be required in some situations. Medical Issues Abnormal Vital Signs Heart rate 120 Systolic Blood pressure <90 Resp rate > 30 Fever Other signs of serious underlying condition (i.e. stroke). Psychiatric Symptoms Escalating physically aggressive behavior. Danger to self or others (intermittent or persistent).
Plan of Treatment for Problematic Behavior ASK: A:AntecedentsWhat are the antecedents? B:BehaviorWhat is the behavior? C:ConsequencesWhat are the consequences?
Some of the causes of problematic behavior Untreated Pain Fear Frustration Confusion Inability to Express needs Mood disorder Discomfort Seeking control Personal History
General Management guidelines for persons with challenging behaviors. Address pain and discomfort. Minimize sleep disruption. Encourage independence. Provide activities. Involve the patient differently in his or her care. Maintain a structured daily routine in calm environment. Use different approaches to bathing, feeding and other ADLs.
Examples Problem: Poor sleep or overnight wandering Cause: Resident may need to void Awakened by noise, light, or staff Daytime naps or sedentary during the day Approach: Scheduled toileting Indirect light Reduce noise Review sleep log/daytime routines Staff education
Example Problem: Combative when being bathed Cause: Anxiety/ Misinterpretation the event Cold or hot Modesty Movement of joints may cause pain Approach: Reassurance Flexible bathing method Same sex attendant Pain medication prior to bath
Example Problem: Agitated behavior during the day Cause: Pain or depression Environmental overstimulation Reaction to an action by family, other residents or caregivers Approach: Pain assessment Depression screening Observe for non specific signs of pain Monitor for what may be contributing to behavior
Example Problem: Inappropriate sexual advances Cause: Exaggeration of previous personality trait Drive for intimacy and love Approach: Separate from people he/she may have targeted Encourage loved ones to show physical affection when appropriate Educate staff regarding management Assign care to staff member unlikely to be targeted
Other Interventions: Music therapy Hand massage Aromatherapy Exercise