The Three States of Matter
State Objectives : –States of Matter: Conditions/Identify The learner will be able to identify states of matter.
Following the presentation, the students will complete a puzzle and a reading comprehension exercise about the three states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas).
Gas Has no fixed shape Has no fixed volume Made of particles that move rapidly The particles also have large spaces between them in comparison to solids and liquids
Examples of Gases are Steam Oxygen Carbon dioxide Smog Tear Gas Helium
Check out the Following Site on Gas :Gas
Liquid Has no fixed shape Has a fixed volume Particles move past one another easily Particles are fairly close, but not in a neat even arrangement as the particles in a solid are
Examples of Liquids are Orange Juice Water Soft drinks Milk Rubbing Alcohol Vinegar
Check out the following Site on Liquids :Liquids
Solid Has a fixed shape Has a fixed volume Particles are arranged in a tight, regular pattern Particles move very little
Examples of Solids are Ice Frog Cheese Bricks Wood Popcicle
Check out the Following Site on Solids :Solids
Watch this Brainpop Movie on the States of Matter States of Matter :
Writing Activity The students will describe the three states of matter and include the following : At least one example of each state A description of each state