MODULE A Experience through language Elective II = Distinctively Visual
This module requires students to explore the uses of a particular aspect of language. explore the uses analyses how / investigates in what ways particular aspect of language 1.language forms and features AND 2.dramatic techniques AND 3.visual techniques which create “distinctively visual” meaning and images
It develops students’ awareness of language and helps them to understand how our perceptions of and relationships with others and the world are shaped in written, spoken and visual language. awareness of language knowledge and analysis of: 1.language forms and features 2.Visual techniques understand how our perceptions of (and relationships with) others and the world are shaped composers “manipulate” us to “see” (and understand) the world (social and cultural issues; historical events; people and places; assumptions and ideas…) from their point-of- view… composers choose particular words and visual techniques to deliberately make us react-in / feel a particular way.
and Students examine particular language structures and features used in the prescribed text and in a range of situations that they encounter in their daily lives.
They explore, examine and analyse how how the conventions (rules) of textual forms, language modes and media shape meaning What language forms and features; dramatic techniques and visual techniques does the composer use to make you understand the social and cultural issues; historical events; assumptions and ideas; places and people in the text.
“distinctively visual = There are two main ways in which you “see” the ideas and meanings in “distinctively visual” texts: Visual images you see with your eyes… pictures, images, photographs, signs, symbols, art… etc theatre, plays, film, Requires an analysis of visual and dramatic techniques Visual images you see in your imagination… created by words, language forms and features, sounds… in plays, novels, poems, songs, speeches… etc Requires you to analyse the language forms and features