2008/2009 Forest Watch Data Book Review & Discussion: Ozone summary for 2008, Spectral & Biometric Data Analysis.


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Presentation transcript:

2008/2009 Forest Watch Data Book Review & Discussion: Ozone summary for 2008, Spectral & Biometric Data Analysis

Forest Watch offers students and teachers authentic opportunities in science by participating in on-going research to assess the health of forests in New England. several ecological and biophysical measurements in white pine stands, looking for signs of ground-level ozone damage and other forest health concerns.

Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus Selected Because: It is a Bioindicator of Groundlevel Ozone (SMOG) Exposure Common in New England Retains foliage year-round, can be studied throughout the school year Often occurs outside the classroom (a local fieldtrip)

Magnification Tree Branch Needle Needle Cross Section 4 m 25 mm 0.5 mm 1.5 mm From The Macroscope to the Microscope

Landsat ETM Image false color composite bands 4/3/2 Infared Mimic Durham NH College Woods Each Pixel or PSSP = 30meters X 30 meters

8-hour Average Peak Concentration 0-50 ppb ppb ppb ppb ppb 2008 Ozone Summary

Figure 6: Number of 8-hr exceedances, compared to the number of days with temperatures greater than 90ºF, as measured at Bradley Airport outside Hartford, CT Source:

1-hour 120ppb (parts per billion): the average of the 4 highest values must be < 120ppb over any 1 hour period each day. 8-Hour (1997) 80ppb (parts per billion): the average of the 4 highest values must be  80 ppb over any 8 hour period each day. 8-Hour (2008) 75ppb (parts per billion): the average of the 4 highest values must be < 75 ppb over any 8 hour period each day. NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS NAAQS

1971: EPA established a 1-hour ozone standard of 80 ppb. 1979: EPA revised the 1-hour standard to 120 ppb. 1997: 1-hr 120ppb revised to 8-hr 80ppb 2003: States and Tribes Submitted to the EPA their designations for non-attainment. 2004: Official non-attainment designations based on data from (avg. annual 4 th highest max daily 8-hr values from 55+ stations) 2005: 8-hr 80ppb NAAQS made official. 2007:State Tribal and Local Governments submit State Implementation Plans (SIP’s). detailing how they will meet attainment by deadlines determined by their non-attainment status. 89 of 126 areas nationally listed in non-attainment met standard between 2004 and 2006 (13% ozone decline 02-06!) 2008: March 12 th 2008, new 8-hr 75ppb NAAQS made official 2009: States and Tribes Submitted to the EPA their designations for non-attainment. 2010: March, official designations based on monitor data, followed by revised SIP’s : Attainment dates depending on severity of problem OZONE POLICY IN TRANSITION:

US Counties currently in non-attainment to the 75ppb NAAQS, established on March 12, Source:

Figure 5: US Counties that would be in violation to the 60-70ppb NAAQS, proposed by the EPA on January19, Source:(

Figure 7: Graph of the Number of Exceedance Days by State in Region 1: New England based on the hour (80ppb) NAAQS, Source :

Figure 8: June-August, ranked precipitation and temperature from for New England plotted against 8-hr ozone exceedance events for Region 1. Climate Data: Ozone Data:


Long Term Spectral & Biometric Analysis of Forest Watch Data VIRIS VIrIS Visible/Infrared Intelligent Spectrometer UNH Spectral Data Student Biometric Data Monitoring the Photosynthetic Capacity of our Forests

Red Edge Inflection Point (REIP)

Relationship Between Chlorophyll and Spectral Index (REIP)

2008 White Pine REIP Distribution

In 2008, high REIP values corresponded to low ozone values as they have in most years since Forest Watch began through 2007 are our highest REIP values. REIP is rising over time, Our white pines are getting healthier!

Figure 25: Spring precipitation trends Source:

Figure 8: June-August, ranked precipitation and temperature from for New England plotted against 8-hr ozone exceedance events for Region 1.

Figure 15: Average Red Edge Inflection Point (REIP) values for all New Hampshire schools compared to the number of 8-hour (80ppb) ground-level ozone exceedance events each year from

Figure 18: Red Edge Inflection Point (REIP) values for New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut and Vermont

Figure 23A: TM54 vs. Needle Age Class Figure 23B: Percent Water Content vs. Needle Age Class P = P = < TM5/TM4 % WATER CONTENT

Figure 24: NIR 3/1 vs. Needle Age Class P = < Figure 21: NIR 3/1 foliar development index for New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut and Vermont NIR3/NIR1 1 3

Figure 26: Average Yearly Needle Retention

Figure 25: Spring precipitation trends Source:

Figure 29: Percent needle water content Figure 30: Percent water content: UNH Lab vs. Students Measurements Figure 31: Percent water content vs. Needle Age Class WATER CONTENT

Figure 24: Average white pine needle length

Figure 25: Spring precipitation trends Source:

Figure 29: Percent of white pine needles with presence of both symptoms, (chlorotic mottle & tip necrosis)

Dr. Barrett Rock, & Michael Gagnon Complex Systems Research Center University of New Hampshire Durham, NH Phone: Fax: