Human Characteristics of a Place SSWG2a Describe the concept of place by explaining how the culture of a region is a product of the region’s physical characteristics.
Cultural Characteristics Examples of Cultural Characteristics shaping a place: Language Customs & Traditions Religions Gender roles/Family Structures The Arts Foods Clothing Housing
Language Language is expressed in both written & spoken form. Isolation & globalization influence language. What language would you expect to be spoken in this picture? Why?
Customs & Traditions Customs & traditions are practices of a culture handed down from generation to generation. Examples Life cycle (birth, marriage, death) Holiday Seasons What tradition do you think these women are celebrating? Justify your answer.
Religion Religion is the belief in the creation and cause of the universe; usually supernatural Major world religions & tribal religions How might the belief in a religion impact your daily life? Give 3 examples.
Gender Roles/Family Structures More developed countries have more equality between genders Less developed countries have more traditional family structures. Gender roles/family structures influence view on education and government participation What can you infer about the gender role & family structure of the society ?
The Arts The arts include The arts are often linked to religion. Music Dance Visual Arts The arts are often linked to religion. Could this boy’s painted face be considered to be art? Why or why not?
Foods Food is heavily influenced by: Landforms/Bodies of water Religion Standard of living What can you infer about the diets of the people where this woman lives? Justify your answer.
Clothing Clothing is often linked to the environment (climate) Clothing can be linked to religion and/or gender roles. What do you think the purpose of this clothing is? What does it tell you about the society?
Housing Housing choices are linked a great deal with the physical environment (climate & building materials). What factor(s) probably influenced the people here? Why? Justify your answer.
Post-It Gallery Walk Now that you have learned all about the human and physical characteristics of a place you are going to show what you know. In a moment you are going to work with other people and talk about how these factors are seen in the pictures in the room. You will need a pen/pencil. We will do the example together…