Chowan River TMDL Development Raccoon/Sappony Area 09/8/04
Impaired Waters in the Blackwater River Drainage Raccoon Creek – Fecal Coliform Sappony Creek – Fecal Coliform Spring Branch – General Standard (Benthic)
Fecal Coliform Impairments Impaired Stream Segments in the Nottoway River watershed
TMDL Development Historical data analysis Source assessment Bacterial source tracking Modeling Allocation
Water Quality Data Analysis Location of VADEQ water quality monitoring stations used for TMDL assessment in the Nottoway River watershed
Water Quality Data Analysis Fecal Coliform Concentrations
Water Quality Data Analysis Location of BST water quality monitoring stations in the Nottoway River watershed
Water Quality Data Analysis E. coli concentrations
Water Quality Data Analysis Statistical Analysis of Water Quality Measurements versus Precipitation to determine the relationship between rainfall and water quality Analyzed relationships for seasonal trends No seasonal trends found
Source Assessment Identification of Sources DEQ/DCR/Locality records Ag Census Habitat Analysis Stakeholders, local knowledge – improve estimates BST Delivery Mechanisms Direct Land-applied Exported Out of Watershed Temporal Variation Migration Patterns/Resident Populations Import/Export of agricultural/STP waste?
Human (2004) ImpairmentPopulation Housing Units (HU) HU with Sewer HU with Septic HU with Other Raccoon Creek Sappony Creek
Human Sanitary sewer Overflows - reported to DEQ Exfiltration – rate from literature Failing septic systems Rate based on age of house Straight pipes U.S. Census and VDH consultation
Pets (2004) ImpairmentDogsCats Raccoon Creek Sappony Creek239268
Livestock ImpairmentAll CattleBeefDairyHogHorseSheep Raccoon Creek , Sappony Creek
Wildlife Population ImpairmentDeerTurkeyGooseDuckMuskratRaccoonBeaver Raccoon Creek Sappony Creek 1, ,947 10,603 3,038 2,
Bacterial Source Tracking Location of BST stations in the Nottoway River watershed
Modeling Hydrologic model Runoff model HSPF Water Quality model Source Assessment Results HSPF Model Calibration and Validation Based on data availability, period of interest
VADEQ Station 5ARNC and USGS Station #
Modeling VADEQ Station 5ASAP and USGS Station #
Hydrologic Calibration
Modeling Source Loads Source Characterization Fecal production / densities / distribution Delivery Mechanisms Direct Land-applied Exported Out of Watershed Temporal Variation
Load Characteristics
Model Load Characterization “Direct to Stream” Loads Point Sources: Design Flow/Fecal Discharge Overflows: Reported overflow volume Characterize Volume and Duration Human: Straight pipes “Land Applied” Loads Wildlife, Livestock, Pets Transported to stream during runoff producing event Use measured waste characteristics Compute die-off in between events Human: Failing septic systems Application timing
Livestock Average percentage of collected livestock waste applied throughout year
Livestock Average time dairy milking cows spend in different areas per day
Livestock Average time dry cows and replacement heifers spend in different areas per day
Livestock Average time beef cows not confined in feedlots spend in areas per day
Allocation Quantify Current Source Conditions Run model with present-day sources Develop reduction scenarios that will meet water quality standards 100% reduction in straight pipes, 25% reduction in failed septic systems 100% reduction in straight pipes, 50% reduction in livestock direct deposition Allocate loads to each source
Livestock ImpairmentAll CattleBeefDairyHogHorseSheep Raccoon Creek , Sappony Creek ,